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Displaying 461-470 of 5259 results.
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4843Articlepikachulover@Vaporman The ones I remembered most from other classmates were the ones I would get and say "I wish I gotten some (franchise/property)". @Benjanime I found the pictures on both series of the Pokemon Valentines seemed to be very generic.  Feb 08, 2019View
5460Articleonipar@Vaporman, ah lost footage/pictures are always an incredible find. When you finally get to see the contents of those tapes, it will be a glorious day! I recently had a roll of film developed that I'd had since college, but the film was all but destroyed unfortunately. I have another story that fits into this category pretty well...maybe a future article. The Things We've LostAug 07, 2021View
5529Articleonipar@Vaporman, Never been to a Hills, sounds perfect! @Beb, thanks! HA, yeah, the smell of a drugstore was pretty unique. Yeah, there was just something special about the smaller drugstores and the type of stuff they'd carry. Around Christmas too. The Halloween SuperstoreOct 18, 2021View
1244ArticleNLogan@Vaporman, spirit gum is as old as the hills. All the classic movie monsters i.e. Lon Chaney as the Phantom of the Opera, Boris Karloff as Frankenstein, Lon Chaney Jr. as the Wolf Man, Boris Karloff as the Mummy, etc. all used spirit gum, mortician's wax , and sometimes cotton built up with collidion. Spirit gum has been used in the theater since the 1890s.A Little WitchySep 15, 2014View
1848ArticleMissM@Vaporman, thank you for the tip with the blow dryer! I have heard that tip before but I have always been scared to try it for fear of melting the paint or whatever. I am going to try it though and see how it works! That's also cool that you got a MOC Roboto too. I did get a lot of the new MOTUC figures as well this year. That's a whole other discussion though. lol It was a good year for MOTUC. I also like what you had to say about MoonDreamers being like a cross between Jem and Strawberry Shortcake. There is an outrageous and wild sense of style about them. @pikachulover, that is indeed a dream tail in her hair! It came with the loose doll, I was so thrilled! I liked the dream tails on this line and the hair clip ins with Lady Lovely Locks. Popcorn Pretties are a pretty obscure line, so are the Wee Wild Things which is another line that I just love. Popcorn Pretties are similar to Cupcake dolls, except they were more compact and a little more fun. Though I do like Cupcake Dolls. I hope you are able to one day come across some of the smaller Disney Princess dolls. They are so much fun! And I agree, the Disney Princess franchise really grew out of the items from that time. And that's right! Pinkie Cooper dolls did not do so well. I forgot about those. I still see some at Toysrus but yeah, they kinda crashed and burned. @Hoju Koolander, thank you! It was a nice year for girl toys for sure. I loved the other figures from that wave with Irma too! It was so nice to see them made, even if it was at the end and I could never really find them at the time. And thanks for the comment on the Pizzazz costume. I really really wanted to do that costume proud. The Misfits are by far my favorite from that show. Hope all is well y'all!Miss M's Top 10 Retro Toys of 2014!Jan 27, 2015View
1686ArticleMissM@vaporman, thank you. Now that this is my first Christmas divorced, I have been thinking a lot about past Christmases and this was something that just came to my mind. I think my cousins and I started out so close because our parents were all close. But as we got older we all sort of drifted apart and that was really hard. But I am a huge proponent of family no matter if it is large or small, so Christmas always brings that out the most. I am really glad you have your family and friends Vaporman, that is awesome! I hope you have a fantastic Christmas. @HojuKoolander, Nintendo really does bind generations! We would get my grandmother to play Duck Hunt. She wouldn't play anything else, but for some reason she loved that game. I just remember thinking that was the craziest thing ever. I didn't have a lot of Snes games either, but the ones I did own were very memorable. Now I feel like playing some Starfox. I forgot how fun that game was. I hope you have a nice Christmas!How Mario Saved Christmas... and Other Super Nintendo TalesDec 18, 2014View
4753ArticleOldSchool80s@Vaporman: Yes! Something strangely comforting is a good way to put it.5 Christmas Commercials of the '80sDec 21, 2018View
33ArticleBenjanime@vaporman87 haha, my parents tried to sulk me away from video games once i got into the playstation generation. when i first played final fantasy VII my parents thought that my social life would be over!Thousand Arms (1999) ReviewDec 11, 2012View
2340ArticleBenjanime@Vaporman87 that's somewhat of the idea, that and episodes that are just plain bizarre that i'd like to talk about as well. one in particular that i plan on doing is the super mario bros. super show episode "mario and the beanstalk" that includes a scene with luigi wrestling an udder from a giant cow. @thecrow174 i know it did air a few times here and there, but not as often as the other episodes. the nicktoons channel aired it regularly, however. i noticed that too, i guess the animators decided that showing something happening on television would be too hard to draw if the tv itself was drawn too far away. Odd TV show episodes #1Jun 30, 2015View
5379ArticleBenjanime@Vaporman87 to be fair, this was at least very brief for me, so it didn't concern my parents after they'd heard about it. @Julie i'm glad you waited, my love, i couldn't imagine the girl's parents getting upset knowing that i kissed her, and i'd rather not have gone through getting in trouble by my own parents, so my teacher was a life saver. and i thank you so much for choosing me as your husband, great things will unfold in our future home together ❤Getting the shaft after Valentines DayFeb 05, 2021View