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Displaying 451-460 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5317ArticleLazlo KnightWhen I was a kid I had a dream I was Superman but I had to fight the blob and my hands would always do no damage to the blob as I tried to punch it. I’d wake up screaming and punching. It was a reoccurring one too. A cousin of mine suggested I try to freeze the blob with my breath (since I was Superman in the nightmare). I tried this the next time and shattered the blob. Never had the nightmare again.  Oct 29, 2020View
5232ArticleJulieI remember having the Game Genie just to make it possible to play the European version of Mega Man: The Wily Wars on my Sega Genesis, and also the Japanese version of Golden Ax III on my American console. Another important use for the Game Genie was the infinite life code for The Adventures of Batman & Robin, making it possible to play this game of impossible difficulty and see all levels of this Sega Technological Institute masterpiece. The fun of Game GenieAug 05, 2020View
5233ArticleBenjanime@Julie those invincibility codes were a lifesaver for some of the unexpectedly hard games i once rented and owned! ^^ i also had no idea the game genie was capable of playing different region games, another impressive feat for the device! :DThe fun of Game GenieAug 05, 2020View
5241ArticleMr MagicThank you, Game Genie for taking my game to the next level.The fun of Game GenieAug 05, 2020View
5244ArticleoniparMan I used to love Game Genie. Strangely, one of my favorite things about it was receiving those periodical update sin the mail with new codes. I'll have to dig my NES and Game Genie out for a spin next weekend. The fun of Game GenieAug 16, 2020View
5237ArticleJulieMy memories of getting ready for the bus to get to school in my elementary and high school years, as well as my years of college and work, are not at all pleasant, because I used to be bullied as soon as I put my foot out of the house. Yes, bullying start (to this day) in the neighborhood, walking to the bus or coming home, on the same stretch. I think it's better not to go into details of how it happens because it's disgusting and reporting it won't help. Inside the bus, the same thing, both on the way to and from school or college or work: bullying. Arriving at school, college or work, something new: bullying. At least the school and college teachers treated me well, the only ones who did it. And that motivated me to finish my studies. At work, when I had colleagues who treated me well, I was always a very small minority. Until the day when I was returning from the college, on the bus, I was threatened with death by three or four marginal residents of my neighborhood. From that day on, my father had to take me and pick me up every day from college until I started and finished the driving school, because I was not willing to risk my life. Since then I never got on a bus in my life, nowadays I only drive by necessity. But it's okay. :)Getting up on school morningsAug 05, 2020View
5238ArticleBenjanime@Julie i'm sorry that had to happen to you! :( bullies are the absolute worst and i couldn't imagine what they were doing to you as some have done to me in the past. hopefully your freedom will be worth looking forward to after you leave college ^^Getting up on school morningsAug 05, 2020View
5246ArticleretroboyI use hating geeting up for school in the mornings when I was a kidGetting up on school morningsAug 22, 2020View
5472ArticleBenjanimei can't say i was a fan of CCF once they replaced the cartoon hosts with the two live action hosts, but during its earlier years it was one of the best starts of the weekend ever. i was kinda starting to lose interest in the network by 2007 anyway as i didn't find much to watch at the time aside from toonami. speaking of which i'm probably one of the few that hated seeing tom with cartoon eyes lol.A Closer Look At: Cartoon Cartoon FridaysAug 17, 2021View
5477ArticleoniparSounds really cool. I especially like the sound of the Halloween theme. I totally missed out on this though, being a little too old at the time. I remember my brother (who is younger than me) talking about a couple of these shows, but the only one I ever saw was Courage. A Closer Look At: Cartoon Cartoon FridaysAug 20, 2021View