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Displaying 451-460 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5343ArticleJulieWell, I also have Asperger's Syndrome and I'm going to say, I wouldn't "trade myself" for someone else who doesn't. It's thanks to this that I'm able to love more than anyone. Of course, it makes me more innocent and susceptible to false friendships and betrayals. But I have lived through it all, so now I am "vaccinated" to identify these pitfalls. As for games, they're a beautiful escapism for everyone, not just for us. They bring music and cinema together in an interactive way like no other media has ever brought. No wonder it has become the most profitable media industry in existence. I'm retro gamer and I love all generations. And yes, I owe it to the 90s mags which marked an era. Nov 16, 2020View
2965ArticleVaporman87Well, here is something I wasn't expecting. This is definitely unique among the 350 articles that have been submitted here in this site's short life. It is... a story. I hadn't considered a work of fiction as anything I would ever come across here. So I wasn't sure how to react. All I know is... I loved it! So this brings us to a crossroads: What do we, as a membership, define as an "article"? Must it be purely based in reality? Reviews, top ten lists, descriptions of actual past events, etc... are these to be the only works we consider appropriate for a submission? I vote NO. Why? Because our memories and our pop culture are finite. What do we do when we're "tapped out"? Will our well run dry and leave nothing new to be written by some? I think it's possible. Because I made no stipulation that a work of fiction could not be entered, I am allowing this. But we need to, as a group, discuss this further amongst ourselves. What do YOU think? Make your voice heard <a href="">here.</a>Fright Night - A Retro NarrativeOct 16, 2015View
5447ArticleoniparWell, heck, that's pretty sad. I used to always watch Doug on Nick, but I guess by time the second series came out, I was a little too old to care. I feel like a vaguely remember the movie coming out, but again, I didn't see it. I did recently revisit some of the original Doug episodes, and they seem to hold up pretty well for me. Doug and his fall from graceJun 26, 2021View
2016ArticleAnEarly90sManWell, excuse me, Princess! I love all of those shows, so you know I'm offended. Just so you know, "Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue" was a special that played on each network channel in the spring of '90. This may surprise you, Pikachulover, but I hate Pokemon. To me, the pokemon were all rip-offs of Kirby. The similarities are all there and originality was dead in 1995. @Mason Yes, Saved By The Bell gained popularity through syndication. I didn't start watching it until the summer of 1991 when it came after The Chipmunks Go To The Movies. I wish I had recorded them then because NBC ran the uncut version of each episode. @bklynbren The New Adventures of Captain Planet was far worse than the original series. They tried to tackle difficult subjects like racism with the mid 90s series, but the character was named Captain Planet for a reason! @ZeldaQueen I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you on that one. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers had the same plot for each episode. @Simply Eighties Zack Morris was the greatest conman of the early 1990s. He had all of the traits of an 80s conman- good looks, spirituality and the ability to sway people with words. Mario Lopez was great as Slater, the macho man of the show. Can you blame Mark Friedman for pushing out more TMNT merchandise after Turtlemania hit in the spring of 1990? @Retrosc7 These were more than 'shows that were there in the 90s'. Most of them were pop culture touchstones! @raptor I'm with you on this one. @Fulton4V Screech really went through many changes in his fictional life. @Vaporman87 Captain Planet was meant to be the He-Man of the 1990s. The 'Save The Environment' craze of the early 90s was so short-lived. @Benjanime "Cartoon All Stars To The Rescue" is still consists of one of the greatest crossovers of all time. Oh yeah, Anime bothers me. To each its own.Overrated shows from my childhoodFeb 18, 2015View
2625ArticleCaps 2.0Well, as Vapor alluded to, I do have a lot of experience with this. It all started back on RetroJunk, when I frequently came across cool commercials and trailers on YouTube that I thought belonged on RetroJunk. I didn't start giving credit to the original uploaders until 2008. In 2009, I got the Pinnacle video editing program, and so I started taking commercials from the DVDs I had purchased. Unfortunately, a lot of the recordings wouldn't move until I purchased the CloneDVD program. As for why I enjoy vintage broadcasts, and the commercials contained therein, it's because I did a lot of recording on VHS tapes well into my 20s. I ended up taping over a lot of the stuff I recorded in the 1980s, including a lot of amazing Disney specials that I regret recording over. I've since found a lot of them on websites that sell recordings with original commercials, and it's been fun.VHS Television Treasure HuntSep 09, 2015View
5413ArticleJulieWell, all I can say is that I never had the multiplayer experience on the Nintendo 64. Rarely did my mom play video games with me, like Double Dragon on the Master System and Altered Beast on the Sega Genesis and on the PlayStation, Pac-Man World, switching the controllers between us when it was our turn to play. Once again, an article cutely well written and pleasurable to read for the nostalgia and all the charisma of @Benjanime. ❤❤Remembering the party games of N64Apr 15, 2021View
5761ArticleRetroOtaku620Well, again, these are my personal favorites. Also, you need to figure out a way for us to actually reply to people.My 5 Favorite Halloween SongsOct 06, 2023View
2089ArticleVaporman87Well you know... dinosaur... museum... it kind of makes sense. LOLThe Dinosaur KidMar 17, 2015View
5098ArticleVaporman87Well written, super-informative piece here RS88. Thanks for this. Most of these shows I don't even remember, with the exception of Hey Vern, It's Ernest and The Weird Al Show (which was a lot of fun). That Captain Power program I missed, but am hoping to check out.My Favourite Lesser Known Cartoons and Kid Shows of Yesteryear Part 1Dec 09, 2019View
3049Articlecomic_book_fanwell what really convinced me that they were aliens was that i had a dream like that then when i woke up i found my mom and my sister whispering to each other alot like they didn't want me to hear something so i assumed they were i found they weren't when i was listening in through the door and heard what they were talking about the neighbors playing there drums to loud at 1;00 am and people shinning there headlights through the window and how to handle it without being rude. Childhood FearsOct 30, 2015View