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Displaying 451-460 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3753ArticleSuperman@Vaporman - I hadn't realized John Goodman had slimmed down until you mentioned it. Good for him! Feb 13, 2017View
3621ArticleSuperman@Vaporman - I was happy to share the story. It's something I haven't talked about much with anyone, so it felt good writing it all down.The First Snowman I Ever BuiltDec 22, 2016View
4089ArticleSuperman@Vaporman - I'm sure they would all be great friends. Famous cats have got to stick together. :) @NLogan - At least you got to visit your dog at your grandma's place. I didn't mention it in the article because I thought it was kind of a downer, but I think I only got to visit the original Brownie once before the family member who adopted her moved to an apartment that didn't allow pets. We're not really sure what became of Brownie after that, but I hope that this family member found a new owner to adopt her and didn't just leave her to fend for herself.The Adventures of Junior, the World's Greatest Cat DetectiveAug 29, 2017View
1864Articlefuschnikt@Vaporman - The moment I read that quote I was fully struggling to figure it out. I scanned my brain, and you are totally right, I went from sports movie to sports movie. The moment of the reveal it was like, "of course! Die Hard!" Seems so obvious now. I can even visualize the moment. @echidna64- That sounds about right. I have still never seen the movie, but I've seen clips and photos. I cannot even imagine what my parents thought while they previewed it. I should probably watch it sometime. Maybe I can pretend it's He-Man. @Hoju Koolander- Yup. Classic mom stuff. At least my mom. Movie MisunderstandingsJan 30, 2015View
3622ArticleSuperman@Vaporman - Yeah, it is pretty neat to have a tradition that revolves around my favorite show. I look forward to watching those episodes every Christmas, and I know my mom does, too, because she always reminds me that we need to maintain our annual tradition whenever Christmas starts approaching. @jkatz - Gilbert Gottfried did do a pretty excellent job. I'm not sure if I have a favorite between the two of them, though. They're very neck and neck for me.Christmas with SupermanDec 22, 2016View
4483ArticleSuperman@Vaporman - Yes, these trips were very special. I had a lot of fun reminiscing about them while writing this article. @NLogan - Riding an elephant was a lot of fun. I totally consider myself fortunate to have experienced it. @pikachulover - It's so cool that you also had the opportunity to ride an elephant. I remember thinking it was so much higher from the ground compared to a horse, too. @Hoju - Yes, these trips really were something special. I totally recommend Wisconsin Dells. I hear that Wax World of the Stars and the American UFO Sci-Fi Museum are no longer around, but I believe the other things I wrote about are still around. Plus, I'm sure there are newer attractions that weren't there during my visit and things that were around when I went there that I just didn't get to see.My Childhood Family VacationsJun 20, 2018View
1395ArticleNLogan@Vaporman <img style="width: 316px; height: 297px;" src=""><br> @Vkimo somebody has to stick up for monsters. I mean you throw one little girl in a lake and it turns out she can't swim and all the sudden everybody is like pitchforks and torches, and now being compared to football jocks.Flannel CornucopiaOct 08, 2014View
1497ArticleHoju Koolander@Vaporman 87: Glad to hear that your board was functional ;) of course now we all want to know how to catch a glimpse of this band of skate hooligans that terrorizes your town annually. My brain imagines them skating at each other like a joust and meeting in the middle exchanging punches to the face. @pikachulover: Yeah I grew up in Irvine, which is right next to Newport Beach. I think 75% of skaters are posers (the fashion is definitely a big draw), but the hardcore 25% that hone their skills are really impressive. Skater girls are always cool, whether they skate ot not. FYI: There's a lot of great skateboarding documentaries on Netflix right now, my favorite is "Bones Brigade", which covers the era I wrote about here.Skate or DieNov 08, 2014View
3663ArticleSockofFleagulls@Vaporman I've wanted M.A.S.K. back for so long that I couldn't simply ignore the new comic for the changes. It kills me we haven't got more merchandise for us collectors like Funko figures or really anything! I'm adding these comic to my collection because there is literally nothing else to collect! Having said that, I've been entertained with the new book as much as my 1985 brain will allow. @NLogan It's crazy how we hope they will eventually get one of these reboots "right". I can say I've enjoyed a few but its really a rare occasion. @jaktz You really have to look at it with 2016 glasses to enjoy and so far I have. Some changes are interesting while others are head scratchers. I'm committed to giving Easton the first 5-issue story arc the benefit of the doubt before giving a blanket assessment.The Rebirth of M.A.S.K. and the Nostalgia StruggleJan 04, 2017View
4874ArticleBenjanime@Vaporman thanks! and agreed! @blue yeah i modded mine to have over 120 games lol @Rick nice! can't wait to see it!10 games that should have been on the SNES ClassicMar 02, 2019View