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Displaying 4581-4590 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2139ArticleVaporman87I very much enjoyed this peek into your Spring Break adventures. These are the types of Spring Breaks I would enjoy most as well. Just leisurely doing things that "spring" to mind, not really going out of your way to plan exotic, complicated trips in the hustle and bustle of the usual places people go. Not having to swim through a sea of humanity to get to and fro. Just... taking it all in through peaceful drives, time with friends in familiar places, and all that. Just perfect stuff. Thanks for this TDitH. Mar 23, 2015View
2140VideoVaporman87No doubt about it, crow loves Animaniacs. LOLAnimaniacs - Little Old Slappy from PasadenaMar 23, 2015View
2145ArticleVaporman87Yes! This... a thousand times this. I love these kinds of stories, especially since it includes two subjects that really stir a lot of memories for me... roller skating and crushes. This story reminds me so much of another favorite article of mine, this one from echidna called <a href="">"Best Day Ever"</a>. I love this line: "One day, some Satanist decided that our comfort as skating losers could no longer be tolerated." I'm going to be thinking about that all day. LOL Thanks for this Brandon.Rec Center Memories - Moment of GloryMar 25, 2015View
2148ArticleVaporman87So much architectural and design goodness here. I especially am drawn to the set of Merlin's Shop of MST3K Laughs and the house of the Griswold's neighbors. That living room that Ernest Borgnine is sticking up with his BenGay is just like EVERY condo living room I ever stayed in as a kid. That "Oh look how pastel, white, and modern we are!" Everything is way too big, way too light, and everything is trimmed in brass colored plastic. Makes me feel like I'm in Florida at Orange Lake Resort 30 years ago. Sweet.Retro Rooms Part DeuxMar 25, 2015View
2150ArticleVaporman87He was serious about knocking himself from the third win in a row.Retro Rooms Part DeuxMar 25, 2015View
2153ArticleVaporman87Adam's treehouse in The Goldbergs and Punky Brewster's are also good.Retro Rooms Part DeuxMar 25, 2015View
2160ArticleVaporman87That was something I was moderately good at... roller skating. I could even skate (in a very limited capacity) backwards. I remember, once, my sister couple skating with a guy who was really bad. When he fell down, he pulled her down with him and she broke her arm.Rec Center Memories - Moment of GloryMar 26, 2015View
2161ArticleVaporman87@JBS: Windows '95 was the best version ever. You got your computer at just the right time. The Summer of 1995Mar 26, 2015View
2162ArticleVaporman87I watched some of the season one episodes, but didn't get too far into the season... yet. Glad to know this about the movie though. Doesn't sound like something I want to see.Twin PeaksMar 26, 2015View
2169ArticleVaporman87Sheesh! No kidding it was rough! I think the worst injury I suffered involved my ankle and the side of my right foot. We were playing Nerf basketball inside our apartment in college, and I jumped and landed on one of my roommates foot and hurt mine. It swelled up and started to turn blue. To this day, my right foot is now wider than my left. Then, one day I was merely stepping off the basketball court at my parent's house and put my foot down on uneven ground, twisting my ankle. I had to walk on crutches for almost two weeks.Rec Center Memories - Chicken FightMar 28, 2015View