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Displaying 4571-4580 of 5257 results.
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534ArticleVaporman87This was a fun read. Every teacher and class has it's own unwritten "requirements" in order to stay in their good graces. Sometimes this meant NOT being yourself. It puts me in mind of a few of my own high school teachers. Mr. Blaine was a mathematics teacher, and a Jehovah's Witness. Often, during Christmas and Easter seasons, students of some of his classes would feign ignorance of his religion and present him Christmas presents or Easter baskets. LOL. My art teacher was especially picky about the types of "art" you enjoyed. She tolerated me and my friend and our fascination with comic book art, only because we were probably some of the best artists in the school (keep in mind, my school was very small, so this should not be construed as bragging). She even let us repaint the mural on the wall behind her desk from a Prince - Purple Rain piece to a Star Wars piece. LOL. I think after our graduation she immediately let someone else cover up such nonsense. Thanks for this! Mar 27, 2013View
4672ArticleSupermanThis was a fun read. I think the only one that I've personally tried is Crystal Pepsi, so I enjoyed reading your review of the others.Reviewing the Retro Soda ComebacksNov 16, 2018View
800ArticleVaporman87This was a fun read. I'm like you, I have so few memories of my Trick-or-Treat outings. Sure, there are some there... like the time I have mentioned before where we soaped a neighbor's tractor and garage windows (who me?), or some of the masks I wore-including a most memorable one that was hideous and had light up eyes. But unfortunately they are so few and far between, and it makes me sad that I can't recall more. I can go back to my Cub Scout days and remember being at a cabin that was made into a haunted house for us, and being afraid to go in. They also did this at our grade school, sometimes having the haunted house in a classroom, and other times on the stage in the gymnasium. It is fun now though, taking my kids through the neighborhood, all of us dressing in a theme (Star Wars this year). I'm making new Halloween memories, and letting my kids do the actual begging for the candy. ;)Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 01, 2013View
686VideoarizvegaThis was a good cartoon show back than in the 90'sSwat Kats intro (Season 1)Jun 05, 2013View
5365Articleechidna64This was a great article! A white christmas is great but the wet slush and gloomy skies from January - March are no fun at all. My go to is a warm bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich with the coffee pot running all day. I usually watch Star Wars movies in the winter, particularly The Empire Strikes Back with the Battle of Hoth lol Surviving the Long, Cold WinterJan 13, 2021View
5001ArticleVaporman87This was a great idea for an article. One thing that really gets to me is the heat generated from surfaces in the sun too long. Anything really. I've had to pour water on my lawn mower seat to cool it down before!Summer Bummers: The Worst Moments of SummerAug 15, 2019View
157ArticleVaporman87This was a great read. I had absolutely no knowledge of this game and it's following until having read this. Then I did a little research on it, discovering a devoted fan base (even online versions of the game). Just excellent.The Jet Set Willy SagaJan 16, 2013View
4010ArticleHoju KoolanderThis was a great What If... experiment. I have to echo everybody else in disagreeing with Claremont's vision for Wolverine. I remember in an old Wizard magazine they cast a Cape Fear era Robert DeNiro as Logan, which seemed like a good choice. Loved the Rutger Hauer pull too, makes so much sense. Oh and Dolph Lundgren for Colossus, right? DUH!My Dream Cast for a 1987 X-Men movieJul 22, 2017View
1006ArticleMissMThis was a nice article. I liked the sounds of rain playing as I read. Thanks for sharing these memories! Rainy days were always fun and special. Occasionally if the time permitted, my mom would bake chocolate chip cookies when it was raining out. Always fun for a rainy day. Remembering Rainy DaysFeb 18, 2014View
1188ArticleHoju KoolanderThis was a nice introduction to the site. I was always a He-Man devotee, I even had the light up sword and bop-bag, but in retrospect I can't deny that She-Ra is just a cooler character. Even her origin is better: stolen at birth and raised to serve evil, then redeemed by joining the rebels when her long lost brother shows up. I just watched the first few episodes of her series that made up the Secret of the Sword movie and thought it was waaaay better than 95% of the He-Man shows I grew up on. Plus, Hordak...just the best.New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaSep 02, 2014View