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Displaying 4531-4540 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4993ArticleRabbitearsblogAaahhh...the Disney of the best programming blocks that Disney ever created! Gummi Bears, Ducktales and Chip and Dale were my favorites! Aug 01, 2019View
4994ArticleRabbitearsblogWow! That's a lot of Batman merchandise! I especially love the Bat Car and the comics!Batman 1989 Movie MerchandiseAug 01, 2019View
4995ArticleRabbitearsblogI definitely agree with you about the Brave Little Toaster. I never would have expected that movie to be as dark as it got. Another disturbing children's movie I've seen was Return to Oz. That was way creepier that what we saw with The Wizard of Oz. The Gnome King and Princess Mombi definitely gave me the willies! Creepiest Kids' MoviesAug 01, 2019View
4996ArticleBenjanimeI think what ruined Saturday morning cartoons for me was when 4kids started dubbing more anime after pok'emon, I understand some edits they made were necessary, but some others really bothered me.We Remember: Kids WBAug 02, 2019View
4997ArticlePittsburghgirlI remember I did not like the McDLT. The whole thing was always cold. And you’re right, no one wants to assemble their sandwich at a fast food place. I have never tried any of the other special sandwiches, except the McRib. It was good years ago. I had one last year and it was awful. Retro Fast Food That is No More 2: I'm Lovin' It EditionAug 05, 2019View
4999ArticleOzKingI had this exact Super Soaker XP 105 model with double bubble water reservoir and a water bottle size tank... crank this baby up to 105 pumps as that's what we all knew the model number stood for.. Yep.. 105 if you're stringy arms could hold that much pressure and withstand the 2 and a half minutes of pumping to 105 counting slowly to make sure you could ramp the pressure up. Do it too fast and you'll allow air to escape and have to start over. Pretty much we usually only got to 50 because we were kids and we had wars to get to. Super Soaker war, anywhere but in the house. All of us would take our Soakers to the Boys and Girls club. It wasn't school so they couldn't really go against it.. so they'd take 30 to 50 of us to parks down the street so we can go buck wild with water balloon fights. The cool ones had the Super Soakers, mostly 50's or 75's and we came prepared. The less fortunate guys would have their tiny palm size pink water pistol snug in their mouth pulling the trigger and drinking the water. Yep, they must have been thirsty.. but now as an adult it could have been mimicking a cry for help and putting them out of their non-Super-Soaker-having misery... because not even those pink pistols with their cheapo plug would hold water as it dripped down their elbows.Super Soaking Your VictimsAug 07, 2019View
5000ArticleCaps 2.0I'm sorry you didn't like the interview, Casey. If I may explain something, though, those verbal tics you pointed out are a result of Asperger's Syndrome. Many people like myself on the spectrum had those tics. Also, if my questions seemed too prepared and it seemed like I was in a rush to you, it's because, in all honesty, I didn't have the familiarity with Adam's work that I do with most of the other talents I've been fortunate enough to interview over the years.A Talk With Adam F. GoldbergAug 10, 2019View
5001ArticleVaporman87This was a great idea for an article. One thing that really gets to me is the heat generated from surfaces in the sun too long. Anything really. I've had to pour water on my lawn mower seat to cool it down before!Summer Bummers: The Worst Moments of SummerAug 15, 2019View
5002ArticleVaporman87I actually preferred the Game Gear over the Game Boy for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it seemed to have more advanced graphics.Remembering the Sega Game GearAug 15, 2019View
5003ArticleVaporman87I had never heard of Rabbit Ears before you came along. This was a very thorough and interesting breakdown of it's history though. Nicely done!Rabbit Ears Productions: A RetrospectiveAug 15, 2019View