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Displaying 4521-4530 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1889ArticleVaporman87Ha! Two articles in one week with Simpsons references (the other by fuschnikt)... that's got to be a record! I had no idea The Simpsons had their very own magazine. I should have figured though, as in the 90's everything had it's own magazine. I like all the "inside" information that was in these. Though I was never really a huge Simpsons fan, I did catch it now and then. Not enough to know about some of the more obscure characters that got better treatment in these pages. I owned very little Simpsons merchandise, but I did buy a Simpsons cassette tape with music on it, sung by the Simpsons themselves. I wonder if that's worth money on Ebay now?  Feb 05, 2015View
1893ArticleVaporman87I had reached that point in my life where sports became important to me (namely basketball and hockey) so I was watching that, or Unsolved Mysteries, and some of the sitcoms like Cheers, Night Court, etc.Simpsons Illustrated and 90's Magazine AdsFeb 06, 2015View
1895ArticleVaporman87Very well said fuschnikt. Those kids are in good hands with you.This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 06, 2015View
1899ArticleVaporman87It's sad to see what has happened through the years. It's not something that is unusual though. The internet is full of once promising nostalgia sites that have all but died now. Trust me, I've searched about as thoroughly as any human can for others like us. If any nostalgia sites are thriving now, it's because they are "retrogaming" sites, of which there are like 50,000,000 out there. Few sites replicate what RetroJunk originated. Sydlexia and Plaid Stallions are about as close to RJ as I've found, and even they are different in that the owners are the exclusive article writers. Nostalgia sites are hanging on by a thread. Facebook and social media have become the replacement for sharing memories, albeit in micro form. I think Vertex reached a point where he had a choice... either invest in improving the site for the users, or improving the site for the money it could make. A simple layout with flashy Google Ads would be the perfect place to land potential clickers. The huge mass of content would draw them in, and the ads and layout would handle the rest. My interest in impressing Google is no less than Vertex's, but for different reasons. For me it's simple... the more, the merrier. I just wish Vertex had made the other choice.Remembering RetroJunkFeb 08, 2015View
1918ArticleVaporman87@Ben: It's cool bro. Life happens. This article makes me wish I had registered much sooner. I didn't pay much attention to the forum during my lurking years. Just the articles and comments mostly. Even so, it was obvious that the scrutiny was always present. Yet I still saw fit to submit stuff with no pictures. Derp!Remembering RetroJunkFeb 09, 2015View
1922ArticleVaporman87Man, I really enjoyed reading this. I also hated reading this. I'll confess to you why. I went through a short period of chubbiness as well, though I don't think anyone would say I was "fat". Again, it was short and I have little memory of it being an issue to me. But I made the fact that two of my closest friends were "fat" a very big issue... and I despise my young self for it. Yes, my friends knew I cared about them, and enjoyed their friendship. But I seemingly made it as difficult as possible for them to like me sometimes. This fact is evidenced by the comics, videos, and audio recordings I created of them or with them. Every time I listen to a recording made with these friends, I cringe and shake my head in disgust at the insults I threw their way. As if they weren't getting enough of it in school, here was someone who was SUPPOSED to be their friend giving them the worst of it. And it didn't stop with them. Bert himself is inspired by another "fat" kid who was not actually my friend. I invented all new words for their "fatness". Blobulous, blobuelull, globey, lard horg, etc. If there was one thing I wish I could go back and do over, it would be my insulting words and pictures. The sad thing is that, now that I am old enough to understand how awful I was, I have no way to apologize. One of the two friends passed away from diabetes. The other left his wife and two kids and headed out west (out of the blue) and never returned. I can't help but wonder if anything I did changed their lives for the worse. I can't bear that thought... it will haunt me forever.Being The Fat KidFeb 09, 2015View
1927ArticleVaporman87I had such a warped view of myself and them. I recall how I used to draw myself in my comics in comparison to them. I was this handsome, square-jawed hero type, and they were C level chubby sidekick types. So not near reality. Later in life, I began to draw myself in caricature style and I was far more accurate. Basically, I was the human version of a turtle. I even made a spin-off character named Turtle Boy.Being The Fat KidFeb 09, 2015View
1928ArticleVaporman87Gee... you didn't strike a nerve with this one or anything. LOLRemembering RetroJunkFeb 09, 2015View
1930ArticleVaporman87@NLogan: It's great to be able to get to know some of the veterans of RetroJunk for those of us who weren't in the mix for some time. I'm glad your here with us.Remembering RetroJunkFeb 09, 2015View
1938ArticleVaporman87When I finally took a serious interest in becoming a member of the site and contributing, probably one of the biggest turn-offs was the idea of a "Back Page". It made sense to want the best content out front for visitors to see, but it alienated people who had already made the commitment to be an active part of the site. I didn't feel like the trade off was worth it. Perhaps having that project you worked hard on getting sent to the back page made you want to work harder next time... but it could equally make someone discouraged or angry. You could say the same with regard to having ratings at all, but at least everyone gets an equal chance to have their memories shared... which is ultimately what drives anyone to bother sharing them... because they want them known and read and remembered.Remembering RetroJunkFeb 10, 2015View