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Displaying 441-450 of 5259 results.
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1543ArticleVaporman87I think it's their limitations that made some of the standouts like Vader impressive. The ones who could, as cbf mentioned, perform acts of balance, agility, etc. really impressed us. And those like Nash and Undertaker made up for theirs with presentation. Nov 30, 2014View
1550ArticleVaporman87Yeah. You can't help but love Andre in The Princess Bride. He really brought heart to that movie. I true classic.Top 5 Best Big Men in Wrestling HistoryDec 01, 2014View
1558ArticleVaporman87I've got a McDonald's birthday party pic around somewhere. If I find it, I'll post it in this article comments area. ;)Timewarp: McDonald's 1988Dec 01, 2014View
1559ArticleVaporman87I love this story. I have a feeling this would make for a really entertaining Christmas movie (more so than any Home Alone movie). Hilarious things about this: -Chef Boyardee and Marshmallows? Ugh man! Of all the crazy things I attempted to mix together for a "treat", I can't ever envision making/eating that. -Mike is a douche. Didn't you always hate it when you were really excited about doing something together with a friend, then when the time came they were like, "Yeah, I'm not doing that." -You went back to "experimenting" with homemade concoctions a SECOND TIME. Seriously? -You still hadn't let off enough steam between the walk from the gas station to home to NOT break something. Was there nothing to break on along the way... that, say, WASN'T owned by your parents? LOL -I want to see the dance video. You know it still exists (but are too afraid to admit it). So you got the Dreamcast. That's an awesome Christmas gift. A very underrated system, that one. Sega's last attempt at a console was actually a redeemer, in my book, for the 32X SegaCD, and gazillion other "add on" systems they had been pumping out. Thanks for this SF! Have a Merry Christmas (but leave the cooking to the adults this year). LOLChristmas: Alone & Kickin' ItDec 02, 2014View
1563ArticleVaporman87Man, everybody wants a piece of Santa. Do they just hate how jolly he is? LOLChristmas: Alone & Kickin' ItDec 03, 2014View
1569ArticleVaporman87LOL. Who wouldn't want a subscription to Jellies for a bonus? I imagine if I decided to start giving that as a bonus every year, I would be a really popular guy... to think about killing. Great breakdown of Clark's... er, breakdowns. It's that Christmas you remember going so terribly, multiplied by 1,000. Which makes it a must watch every year. :)8 Meltdowns That Actually Guided Clark Griswold To His 'Christmas Vacation'Dec 05, 2014View
1570ArticleVaporman87This is sweet, Hoju. A look into those priceless moments on Christmas morning that we all love so fondly. I myself have some photos of the moments following my opening of the Shogun Godzilla, Monchichis, Stompers, and much more. It makes me want to dig them all out and look them over again... just to see if I can spot any long forgotten gifts I received in my youth.Holi-Daze: Toys UnwrappedDec 05, 2014View
1573ArticleVaporman87LOL @ Hoju. I wonder it they considered cooking up some way to get you to leave, like faking a power outage or projector malfunction. 8 Meltdowns That Actually Guided Clark Griswold To His 'Christmas Vacation'Dec 06, 2014View
1578ArticleVaporman87I was in my second year of college when this game first hit home consoles. I was fairly excited about it, though MK was never a favorite of mine. But when things really turned ugly and we had government stepping in to try and censor games, I got a little more interested in not just the game, but how it was being received. There is an article by raptor that covers a little bit of that episode. I enjoyed both versions for home consoles (the SNES and Genesis). For me however, I took my anger at some magazines, namely Electronic Gaming Monthly, to a whole other level. I too was seeing some editor bias in those days, and I was going to make my thoughts heard to these people. So one of my roommates and I typed up a 7 page letter and sent it to EGM. I still have a copy of that letter. It's hilarious to read now (thinking that such a thing would matter at all in life). But I guess we all were a little passionate about stupid things in our youth. As for my favorite character, I was always a Sub Zero/Scorpion fan. Mortal Kombat MemoriesDec 09, 2014View
1584ArticleVaporman87@NLogan: LOL! Yeah, that "Rayden" was actually much cooler than the Lambert Rayden. Awesome movie.Mortal Kombat MemoriesDec 10, 2014View