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Displaying 441-450 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5265ArticleoniparMr. Magic, ah that's too bad. It was a little different than your standard slime...almost like the lovechild of slime and silly putty. Vaporman, the slime pit! I still love the gross out toys and games. I have a couple Dr Dreadful sets and creepy crawlers setups in my closet right now. Sep 04, 2020View
5267ArticleBenjanimei used to have a couple of buckets of that nickelodeon gak stuff, and my mom absolutely hated my stepdad for letting us have it, as it was known to leave some pretty nasty stains on carpeting and furniture.For the Love of SlimeSep 04, 2020View
5276ArticleoniparOh no! I didn't remember the stuff staining. I wonder if they ever incurred any kind of lawsuits for that. For the Love of SlimeSep 22, 2020View
5230ArticleMr MagicOh, man. Power Stone! What an experience that was! :)The Dreamcast: A dream come trueAug 04, 2020View
5231ArticleJulieMy, what a wonderfully well-written article! ❤ What an above-average vocabulary! ❤ Written by an amazing boy gifted with a high intelligence and an angelic heart of gold. ❤ The Sega Dreamcast is really missed for that unique video quality: sharp, crispy clear video on the screen, with its powerful and genuine 60 frames per second, not sacrificing the actual screen resolution like Sony PlayStation 2 does. A pleasure to look and listen to. The nostalgic games I had were few but of the highest quality: Sonic Adventure (the first one), a major milestone in the franchise. My favorite polygonal Sonic to date in all aspects. And for me at least, it's the symbol of the Dreamcast. Seaman was a pleasant experience for me, contrary to what many report about this game. Always treating Seaman in a courteous and polite manner you gain a smart and pleasant companion to be with. And the Seaman babies were very cute, increasing my love for this game. Shenmue was an ambitious project for the Dreamcast hardware capabilities, but this game was pretty well executed in view of these limitations. Memorable and exciting; walking around the cities was very pleasant. So many great classics including all those perfect arcade conversions, and in some cases superior to the original versions, with Soul Calibur being a good example.The Dreamcast: A dream come trueAug 05, 2020View
5234ArticleBenjanime@Julie there was just something so special about the impact of the dreamcast that made me wish it would have lasted longer on the market, despite what people wanted out of the system. having an interactive memory card alone was just awesome ^^ i'm glad you enjoyed reading it :)The Dreamcast: A dream come trueAug 05, 2020View
5296ArticleoniparAnother great one, and I love the illustrations. One of my recurring nightmares as a child had to do with being left a a strange house as my parents drove away over a bridge. Nightmares from my childhoodOct 06, 2020View
5299ArticleJulieThose nightmares go very well with this Halloween season, my sweetheart. The nightmare with the demon in the shopping mall has to do with the stepfather and something you could have seen frightening somewhere in the shopping mall. The nightmare with the characters has to do with cartoons and video games, and worrying at home. The abandoned warehouse is about worrying at home and your brother that agrees with you. The alien eggs have to do with your brother's collection and movies or cartoons. The nightmare with teeth has to do with appointments to the dentist and that stepfather, and the concern that this brings. I'm sorry for the bad experiences. You are the sweetest and most loving boy I have ever met in my life. Love you so much. ❤Nightmares from my childhoodOct 07, 2020View
5300ArticleBenjanime@Julie and i love you, my sweet dream ❤Nightmares from my childhoodOct 07, 2020View
5303ArticleVaporman87I’ve had a good many nightmares, but ones that I can actually remember to this day I could probably count on one hand. One such nightmare involved a lone bathtub in a yard outside a house. Around it sat my mom and other women her age. Their feet dangled in the tub water. In the water was a shark. I kept trying to keep the shark from eating their feet. In another nightmare, the oceans had turned acidic, and I was in a building with my dad trying to stay safe from an incoming tidal wave. My dad walked by a doorway as the wave struck and he was melted in front of me by it. Awful stuff.Nightmares from my childhoodOct 07, 2020View