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Displaying 441-450 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
486VideoOldSchool80sMarch 10th marked the 30 year anniversary of when the "Billie Jean" video 1st aired on MTV. It was the first video by a Black artist to receive regular airplay on the channel (along with Prince's "Little Red Corvette" shortly after). Mar 19, 2013View
487VideoblueluigiAnd it looks like it's gone.The Flintstones - Sleep On, Sweet FredMar 19, 2013View
488VideoblueluigiWow. I knew Konami made the NES game, but I never knew about the arcade title. Given the little demand of Bucky O Hare nowadays, we probably won't see this released on any of the home consoles.Bucky O' Hare ArcadeMar 19, 2013View
489VideoraptorWas there a kids game show this guy DIDNT host?Fun House - Salute to New EnglandMar 19, 2013View
490VideoraptorCool World was just not as fun a movie to me as Who Framed Roger Rabbit?Cool World 1992 TrailerMar 19, 2013View
491VideoBenjanimethe movie itself isn't even how the director envisioned it. as soon as he had shown the script to the producers they took control of the movie in seconds. originally the plot was going to be about holly having a demonic child, as the story would take an entirely different approach. perhaps if he had control of it like he was able to with his past films, it would have done betterCool World 1992 TrailerMar 19, 2013View
492VideoMr MagicThe events that unfolded later that night were pretty hilarious.All in the Family - The Battle of the MonthMar 19, 2013View
493VideoVaporman87Good grief. Am I truly this old? I remember seeing it air routinely on MTV and Friday Night Videos, if I'm not mistaken. Billie Jean by Michael JacksonMar 19, 2013View
494VideoBenjanimeactually scratch that, the cartoon never got cancelled. bucky's home planet gets captured in the beginning, but rescued in the thirteenth episodeBucky O' Hare - War of the WartsMar 19, 2013View
495VideoVaporman87This is a prime example of taking a product too far. As novelty trading cards, the Garbage Pail Kids were humorous and effective. As movie stars, they were completely awkward and unappealing. But as a Saturday Morning Cartoon... well... it's obvious why this didn't air.Garbage Pail Kids - Oops the Disaster movie/The House that Dipped CrudMar 20, 2013View