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Displaying 441-450 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2461ArticleVaporman87Well, since I just recently purchased a PS4, that works out nicely. Aug 04, 2015View
1719ArticleVaporman87Well, really these days I prefer the Starburst "books". But any storybook will do. Not that I even do any of the activities in the book. I just like the novelty... for some reason.Stocking StuffersDec 20, 2014View
1701ArticleVaporman87Well, now that I have some time to make a proper comment... This was a great look into your Christmases past. It was as much a look at you and your brother growing up through Christmas as can be achieved through writing and images. I can look at these images, and read about the circumstances surrounding them, and almost sense what you were feeling. Especially with your parents divorcing... I can relate to that very well. Thanks for sharing this awesome piece of NLogan history with us. It means a lot, this time of year especially. NLogan's Retro ChristmasDec 19, 2014View
1449VideoMr MagicWell, it's neat that you got to speak to her and that she's nice.Stacey Q - Two of HeartsOct 17, 2014View
3174ArticleVaporman87Well, I've seen one of these movies. Guess which? LOL. Even so, thank you for sharing this fun list. Top 5 Favorite Christmas Horror MoviesDec 11, 2015View
1172VideoMr MagicWell, I'm glad medium drinks have been adjusted since that time.1986 Taco Bell AdJul 16, 2014View
1760Articleshakin steakWell, I'm an eastcoaster and I've definitely never heard of this.Forgotten Christmas: PhroomfJan 05, 2015View
3131ArticleVaporman87Well, I wasn't as desperate as you when it came to snack foods. We had plenty usually stashed in the pantry in the kitchen. But that doesn't mean I was not guilty of food thievery. Truth be told, I was guilty of it in an "against the law" way! See, once, while my mom and I were in a local department store (the mom and pop kind, not the big retailer kind), I took it upon myself to try my hand at theft. Yup. I snuck a candy bar into my pocket and made it out of there with it. All the way home actually. Then, when I foolishly (and perhaps, over-confidently) munched away on my spoils, my mom asked me where the candy had come from. I wasn't going to lie. I'm guessing I felt so much guilt over having just committed theft, that lying on top of that would just push me to the next logical step of joining a gang and shooting people. So I chose to fess up. I was then spanked, forced to call the sweet little old lady at the department store, and apologize to her through my tears. She graciously forgave me, and life was well again. Needless to say, I NEVER stole anything EVER again. LOL Confessions: The Snack BurglarNov 23, 2015View
950ArticleMissMWell, I must say, Shelley Long from Cheers would be amazing! Actually, Cheers figures would be pretty cool anyway. I am so surprised that there has yet to be a decent line of Archie figures! It just makes no sense! I know there have been dolls and stuff, but I want some cool figures. The Monopoly guy would also be so good too! I like that you feel the same way. There are some board games that have some great characters just begging for the royal figure treatment! One can only hope. Dream ToysJan 22, 2014View
5393ArticleJulieWell, I generally only had pre-owned consoles and games. But what a pleasure to read another well-written article, always loaded with charisma and sweetness. You are truly unique, my love @Benjanime. ❤❤ I started playing Pokémon Crystal for the Game Boy Color after having played Pokémon Emerald for Game Boy Advance. Maybe that's why I didn't get attached to Crystal. But I found the changes pretty good and welcome, quite numerous thanks to the increase in RAM from the Game Boy Color. I still want to come back to play Crystal.Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 18, 2021View