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Displaying 4451-4460 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3852ArticlejkatzThis article reminded me that I had a Nickelodeon version of 3D movie maker as a kid! I must've put in hundreds of hours into that game. Apr 23, 2017View
3853ArticlejkatzOh my God..Steven Spielberg working with Rob Liefeld? There's a strong chance that this would've been terrible, but amazing to a massive trainwreck. At first I thought they were going to be working on a movie for Doom (as in the game), and my heart kipped a beat. That would've been the most "1990s" project of all time.Andy Mangels Hollywood Heroes From May 1993Apr 23, 2017View
3863ArticlejkatzYou guys are getting waaay ahead of me -_- But yeah, all that and more will be covered in upcoming installments.The Secret Origin of Miracleman, Pt.1!Apr 24, 2017View
3869ArticlejkatzHuh, I always thought (assumed) that Toto's "Africa" was written specifically for this event. It'd be interesting if this sort of widespread collaboration were to happen with today's top artistsRemembering Live Aid (1985)Apr 26, 2017View
3879ArticlejkatzBorn in 93 here, and I agree-Harry Potter is definitely our generation's Star Wars. The first two movies are my favorite too. Maybe it's because I was at the right age when I first watched them, but to me they have a certain "something" that the later installments just didn't.Harry Potter: A beginning of a new loveMay 04, 2017View
3884ArticlejkatzSince the last time this article was published, I sat down and watched Jack of All Trades..oy. Even for a campy adventure series starring Bruce Campbell of all people, it refused to take itself seriously a bit too much for my tastes. At least I'll always have the theme song.5 Nearly Forgotten TV ShowsMay 09, 2017View
3933ArticlejkatzDisagree about Comix Zone. Sure, it's not a complex or deep game, but it still holds up pretty well all these years later...Sketch Turner's design aside. I never heard of Combo Man before, but when I was 9 or 10 I had the same exact idea-combine a bunch of superhero costume pieces into a new, "original" character. Goes to show you the level of creativity those 90s ad execs had. I probably don't need to tell you this, being a comics fan and all, but there was a lot of great series in the 90s too! I'd be interested in seeing your opinion on those as a follow up.My Five Favorite Super Losers of the 90'sJun 08, 2017View
3934ArticlejkatzI remember my family had a Joe Camel bath towel when I was really young. No idea where it came from or what happened to it, but given that I was regularly in contact with it for a period of time and never got addicted to smoking, I think all that hysteria was largely unfounded. *reaches for e-cigarette*Antique Store Finds: RebornJun 08, 2017View
3935ArticlejkatzIn the immortal words of Buzz Aldrin, "Second comes right after first."Top number 2 Songs from the 80s that never made it to number 1Jun 08, 2017View
4186ArticlejkatzAnother well-researched article as always, Hoju! That kid's room is kinda lame when compared to the one Jake Lloyd had in Jingle All The Way, though. I don't care how many comic books you hang on your wall, it's no match for a giant Captain America mural.My Secret Identity Comic Book HuntOct 31, 2017View