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Displaying 431-440 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3616ArticleNLogan@Vapor the aluminium was thin and flexible. I suppose it would be possible to cut oneself if you got the right angle but I don't remember it ever being a problem. @Vkimo chocolate for the win! @sock thanks! I didn't know they re-released it. Dec 20, 2016View
1944ArticleNLogan@vapor the irony is that it was my vote that did it. In the good old days of Retro*Junk it wasn't about the votes at all it was about sharing all of the oh yeah I totally remember that things that you had come across as an adult that sparked that nostalgia feeling and brought back childhood for a brief moment. I had already submitted my article that won the contest before even knowing the was a contest. We all just were trying to stir up those feelings until the popularity contest got involved. Remembering RetroJunkFeb 10, 2015View
1312ArticleNLogan@Vapor the only contribution to motu that I ever did was to piss off the serious collectors by swiping their photos of the figures for my retro junk article. That and cause them to scratch thier heads at the few errors that crept in because of lack of proof reading. They didn't understand that I couldn't just go back and creditthem because the article had been submitted. I tried in the comments but they thought that was half-assed. I pegged you f2f or a motu man when I saw the books in the point store.KIDS, Incorporated: Dreams Come TrueSep 23, 2014View
1466ArticleNLogan@Vapor your buddy the creeper can say,"I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those pesky rules." If they don't let him into a party or something because of the mask. Seems like masks aren't allowed nearly anywhere now a days. Can't where them to school, dances, etc.Frilly and ScaryOct 20, 2014View
1979Articlefuschnikt@vapor- Man, I could go for some Oreo cereal myself. So many cereals on my list of products I would welcome back. S'mores cereal, anyone? The real stuff. The stuff made with golden graham pieces. Not that sad excuse from the 00's. Pop Tart's cereal? Ninja Turtles? Turtle pies, for that matter..This could go on for hours. @pikachulover- How close are you to the border? Canada has one existing Fruitopia flavor..Strawberry Passion Awareness. If I remember correctly, it was a good one. You can even order it here.. Are Going To Be OKFeb 12, 2015View
5493ArticleMr Magic@Vapor: I couldn't chew Sugar Daddies either. WAY too tough for me!Halloween Candies That Haunted MeSep 09, 2021View
1428ArticleNLogan@Vapor: Here are the flashlights this year. <img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/141326295720141013_220835.jpg">NLogan's Retro Halloween OverloadOct 14, 2014View
2007ArticleSilvervix@Vapor: Yeah, I thought the same when I was typing up but, since the show actually uses different styles to portray the matches AND the regular episodes, I took the chance to praise those sequences as well :P Good tip though!Slam Dunk: The jewel of my childhoodFeb 17, 2015View
3473Articlemickyarber@Vapor... I still have more items to discuss from just McDonalds and Hardees! No wonder childhood obesity is a thing.Foods Long Gone: The SequelMar 22, 2016View
5552ArticleBenjanime@Vaporman definitely give it a look sometime! @Julie agreed my love, it makes for a great anti-depressant as well when the meds won't do the trick. i'm glad i can always provide these for you to read, giving my own retrospectives and memories, i love you my julia ❤Why Decap Attack is an underrated classicNov 17, 2021View