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Displaying 4371-4380 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1320ArticleVaporman87Man. Just look at that section of Masters of the Universe stuff. If only I could ACTUALLY go back in time and just buy every bit of it. So much coolness. So much money. :) This was a fun adventure Hoj... I mean, Dr. Timewarp. Thank you for taking us on it. Now if I can just figure out where that Man-E-Faces costume is these days, and have the person who owns it sell it to me. Sep 24, 2014View
1324ArticleVaporman87It's okay. We like weird as long as it's a cool weird. Timewarp: Toys R Us 1987Sep 24, 2014View
1337ArticleVaporman87Yeesh. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near the nude haunted house. That just sounds like a whole lotta trouble waiting to happen. I WOULD love to see Knott's Scary Farm one year. Seems like such a cool place to visit for the season.A Haunting ExperienceSep 26, 2014View
1346ArticleVaporman87In answer to that question, it could be worse. Stinkor. Great article! I myself enjoyed the Slime Pit, but aside from that I played very little with slime related toys. I think the down sides that you described here were all it took to make me NOT a slime fan. Silly Putty on the other hand...Slime Time!Sep 30, 2014View
1348ArticleVaporman87@pikachulover: Somehow I am seeing that mixture of water and Playdoh as coming out looking like the dinner served in Better Off Dead... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>Slime Time!Sep 30, 2014View
1350ArticleVaporman87I can recall the hours upon hours I spent collecting the images for the VHS Covers section of the site from VHS Wasteland (with the owner's permission, mind you) and having to sort out the really gruesome images from those that could safely be viewed here. I purposefully left out the horror section because they were just so horrific, some of them. That is a testament to the effectiveness of the VHS cover. As you said, you had only a few ways to attract a customer outside of giant ad campaigns and being viewed on thousands of movie screens. The thing is, after so many times renting that eye-catching film with the great VHS cover and being sorely disappointed with the actual film, you start to catch on. But apparently that didn't stop others from making the same mistake, because the market was FLOODED with cheap direct to video movies for SO LONG! But I really feel like the VHS cover was an art form unto itself. A really great cover could be all the difference between losing your hat or scoring big. The Lost Art of VHS BoxesOct 01, 2014View
1353ArticleVaporman87Your right. The wrap around style is sweet. Not something you saw an awful lot of back in the day. The Lost Art of VHS BoxesOct 01, 2014View
1355ArticleVaporman87It's cool jkatz. I usually leave enough there so that it's obvious what the author wrote, but also keep it friendly to those who don't care for it.The Lost Art of VHS BoxesOct 01, 2014View
1359ArticleVaporman87I rented tapes and games almost exclusively under the assumption that it would be returned late, and it usually was. Then on my next trip to the rental shop, I paid last times fees and repeated the process. I was better at getting them back on time to the mom and pop shops, because I knew the people there better and didn't want to do them wrong. Great trip Dr Timewarp! Thanks for getting us back in one piece. Timewarp: Blockbuster Video 1996Oct 02, 2014View
1366ArticleVaporman87NLogan I think your old man and my old man were cut from the same mold (though he has dramatically mellowed out with age and Effexor. I never really had to deal with a really bad situation at a rental store. Later on, when <url=''>Movie Gallery</url> showed up nearby, a friend of mine got a job there and we scored some good deals (and some late fee removal) several times. Timewarp: Blockbuster Video 1996Oct 03, 2014View