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Displaying 4301-4310 of 5257 results.
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1080ArticleVaporman87I was indeed a fan of Bob's. He was a great actor and by all accounts a decent fellow. These passings are a sober reminder that, though we may live separate lives in completely different cultures, we all share the same fate... even those "larger than life" stars. He will be greatly missed.  May 06, 2014View
1088ArticleVaporman87This film was all I ever knew of The Hobbit for decades. I knew of no book. Just this movie. And it always left a big impression on me. The style and animation was so well done, beyond what Rankin/Bass had done in the past. The voice acting, especially for Gandalf, was just superb. For me, that voice will always be Gandalf's. Not that of old man Magneto. And the music... it was haunting. I'll never forget the sound of some of those songs for as long as I live. Doctor Ryan Presents: The Hobbit (1977)May 20, 2014View
1091ArticleVaporman87I must say I was unaware this film existed. I only knew of the Marlon Brando version. Even so, it was never a subject that much interested me. I think, in theory, it should make for a really great film. But to me I have yet to see the potential of it truly realized... and it seems that holds true here as well if I take your word for it. The Island of Dr. Moreau (1977)May 20, 2014View
1093ArticleVaporman87I love this little article. It warms the heart. Though I did not grow up poor, I was still not exactly a popular kid. I too found that my toys and imagination allowed me to explore situations in life in a way that could uplift me and keep me going. I genuinely feel sad for those among us who cannot (and in some cases have never been capable of) using their imagination to create, inspire, and entertain. I often used my artistic ability to bring a smile to the face of a friend or family member. There was nothing more satisfying than that. And the culture of toys, shows, and movies of my youth motivated and inspired me to not ever stop using that imagination , and to find the good in bad situations. Well said Doc.What Pop Culture Means to MeMay 21, 2014View
1095ArticleVaporman87Yeah. Something is definitely wrong there. Perhaps you should break out a MOTU DVD or catch I Dream of Jeanie on TV Land. LOLWhat Pop Culture Means to MeMay 21, 2014View
1097ArticleVaporman87Great article! I would think that to have your birthday in the depths of Summer must be a grand occasion. You can have your choice of locale (inside or outside... if it's not TOO hot), the days are long, and nobody is suffering seasonal depression. Although I did not feel like The Lost World was a terrible sequel, I wasn't blown away by it either. However, it is very easy to understand why films take on a whole new level of importance and status in the days of our youth. I'm sure there are many films from the 80's that most people would deem "awful" but were so fantastic to me, and likely still are, simply because they affected me in my youth. And you can't fault anyone for that. Thanks kstrom!A Lost World BirthdayMay 23, 2014View
1100ArticleVaporman87Nothing so wondrous as our childhood toy collections, is there? Like you, I tended to take my figures out of their traditional roles and re-purpose them for my own storylines. I think I have mentioned before that many times my G.I. Joe figures took on new personae in the form of my schoolmates. That happened quite a bit, and usually Baroness was my boyhood crush. LOL I can recall the nice selection of Batman Animated action figures. That was truly a classic show, and one that produced a wealth of characters to draw from. I can also recall the night my friend and I went to watch The Matrix, and then hit up Toys 'R Us for their late night introduction of the Phantom Menace toys. There was so much hope for those movies then. What a let down. >:[ I'm looking forward to Part Two kstrom! The Evolution of FunMay 27, 2014View
1101ArticleVaporman87That's such an odd set up for a school schedule. I've never heard of such a thing. Typically, our schedule was traditional, as you mentioned. We would be back in school by late August, and out around the first of June, with all the typical breaks in between. The final two summers of my life were a bit different though, in that I went from attending high school to attending a college preparatory program known as Upward Bound. While I hated not being able to be home for such a long period of time, I still made many memories in the program. Summer... What SummerMay 27, 2014View
1106ArticleVaporman87The Reading Rainbow Kickstarter campaign (for a web series of the show - is going nuts. Well over $2 million dollars now, with 30 days to go. That's over $1 million OVER the goal, with oodles of time remaining. Cool.90's Vs: Wishbone vs Reading RainbowMay 30, 2014View
1107ArticleVaporman87It will be interesting to see where they pick up the story and how they move it forward. I am also looking forward to the JP Ranger Corps fan film (which just happens to be premiering here at RetroDaze in our Theater - whenever it's done, that is). It's a need idea for a spin-off. A Lost World BirthdayMay 30, 2014View