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Displaying 421-430 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1054ArticleVaporman87I'm glad you posted this article, E. I have never seen an episode of the show myself, but it always seemed so strange to me in the promos for the show. Yet it was indeed a big hit and seems to still have a cult following. When you mentioned the show "jumping the shark", as a result of the killer's identity being made know, it reminded me of a similar thing that happened with the show, "Ed". I really enjoyed that show for many of the same reasons you mention here... specifically the small town atmosphere that the show takes place in. When Ed finally marries the lead female character (played by Julie Bowen of Modern Family fame), the show just kind of lost it's gusto. It didn't carry on many episodes after that. As much as you really want to see the marriage happen, you end up regretting that it did.  Apr 08, 2014View
1055ArticlevkimoI have a lot/hate relationship with Twin Peaks. I've tried on 3 separate occasions to watch the entire series which shouldn't be hard since it was only 2 seasons. I love the setting, the nostalgic mist that seems to permeate through the TV. It does get a little weird so keeping an open mind is best. The intro is downright hypnotic and while I usually fast forward through an intro, I always watch the saw cutting the steel. Maybe the next time it's so cold and rainy I can't do anything else but lay back, I'll try to finish the rest of it.Twin PeaksApr 08, 2014View
1056Articleechidna64Thanks guys! @Vapor hmm I've never heard of that show before @vkimo yeah, I watched the whole thing on a 2nd attempt, it doesn't help that the 2nd season is over twenty episodes long. I was compelled to finish it based out of curiosity and even though the WTF momements don't always add up to a neat resolution, it's the experience which makes it entertaining.Twin PeaksApr 10, 2014View
1057ArticleVaporman87Out of these, of course I choose Vanessa Warfield... as I was a big fan of M.A.S.K. You basically had two characters in M.A.S.K. that were female, one good and one bad. Not a lot of choice for girls there, but better than none. Far shy of He-Man/She-Ra though. I believe my sister had an Entrapta figure. She had a large amount of She-Ra figs that would occasionally co-mingle with my He-Man characters. I don't remember much about Sour Grapes. Only the Peculiar Purple Pie Man. I'm not familiar with the other villains here.Top Five Female Villain ToysApr 14, 2014View
1058ArticleVaporman87I was VERY glad to hear about The Goonies making a comeback. Such a great film. Hopefully it is fun and fresh, while still paying a great deal of homage to the original.The Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 14, 2014View
1059Articleechidna64I actually met "Chunk" (Jeff Cohen) in person and we were working on a super secret article for Retrojunk but unfortunately it was during the website update fiasco in which the article never came to fruition. The Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 14, 2014View
1060ArticleVaporman87That stinks! It would have been very cool to look back on now!The Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 14, 2014View
1061ArticleBenjanimewhile i'm not all that excited about the sequel, i will give it a chance since the original director's involvedThe Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 15, 2014View
1063ArticleBenjanimethere was a dunkin' donuts cereal? while i'm glad to be an 80's birthchild i wish i'd been old enough to try out these wacky foods that brand companies had to offer. then again there was the 'oreo o's' cereal from around 1998 that my mom would get at sam's clubA Logo of LoveApr 15, 2014View
1064ArticleVaporman87I miss Oreo's cereal and Dunkin' Donuts! Both were very tasty, if not very healthy. lol. I always disliked Tab. It tasted just awful. But Diet Rite... that's like tasting a zombie broken down into a soda. It's horrifically bad. My grandma always had it in her fridge, and it was about the ONLY soda/pop she had. A Logo of LoveApr 15, 2014View