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Displaying 4121-4130 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4502ArticleSuperman@Lazlo Those sound like some fun vacations. Jul 29, 2018View
4503ArticleVaporman87Can't... contain... jealousy... Rrraaahhhh!!! Ha! What an amazing trip. Really looking forward to your yard sale and thrift store adventures. They had to be epic. Very nice job capturing the fun of sleepovers and Saturday morning routines. You can see the gleam in the eyes of Hoju as he stands in awe of NLogan's man cave. Excellent job gentleman! Rad Retro Weekend Part 1Aug 06, 2018View
4506Articleechidna64Oh man, looks like you guys had a blast! The Castle Greyskull looks awesome and Dragon Spirit is one of my all-time favorite games on the NES along with Conquest of the Crystal Palace!Rad Retro Weekend Part 1Aug 06, 2018View
4507ArticleNLoganIt was a blast. But over far too soon. Rad Retro Weekend Part 1Aug 06, 2018View
4505ArticleVaporman87Holy Cow! Can you imagine how much such a magazine would cost nowadays, with every item having to be illustrated and colored? Ridiculous! I wonder how often they had to make returns because the customer felt that the artistic rendering of the item constituted false advertising or poorly represented? Also, which film featured Darth Vader's brother, Darth Vadar?Super Hero Toy Catalog 1978Aug 06, 2018View
4508ArticleVaporman87@NLogan: I know. I felt the same about the past two RetroCons. LOL. If only we could just pause time and enjoy the fellowship until we are simply sick of each other. Rad Retro Weekend Part 1Aug 06, 2018View
4509ArticleHoju KoolanderYeah, we squeezed every drop of fun out of the very short time frame we had to hang out in, as you'll see in parts 2 and 3.Rad Retro Weekend Part 1Aug 07, 2018View
4510ArticlejkatzI've seen some of these ads and similar ones in vintage comic books, and I think the reason they went with illustrations was that photographs didn't come out good with the type of printing old comics used. That and it was probably cheaper/quicker to have a guy draw everything instead of meticulously photographing hundreds of items. I want that Darth Vadar shirt badly. Wouldn't mind some of those posters either... Super Hero Toy Catalog 1978Aug 08, 2018View
4511ArticlevkimoMan, this sounded awesome. I met up with NLogan again after Retrocon while driving to Pennsylvania from California, even met his sidekick Ravenloft - These guys are a blast. Hopefully we can all get together again soon!Rad Retro Weekend Part 1Aug 10, 2018View
4512ArticlevkimoI watched this with my brother a few years ago. This movie is definitely better appreciated as an adult. Last Action Hero Movie MerchandiseAug 13, 2018View