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Displaying 4091-4100 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1683ArticleHoju KoolanderI think you made the right choice with "The Night Santa Went Crazy". "Christmas at Ground Zero" is less relevant since the Cold War ended. Dec 17, 2014View
1684ArticleVaporman87" tired of always gettin' tha raw deal... somethin' finally must've snapped in his brain"My list of Holiday songsDec 17, 2014View
1685Articlepikachulover@Hoju After the Cold War and 9-11. My list of Holiday songsDec 18, 2014View
1687ArticleBarryBgbI love that you put a Weird Al Christmas song on there. I love both of them. "12 Pains Of Christmas" too. I'm not familiar with the others though.My list of Holiday songsDec 18, 2014View
1695Articlepikachulover@Barry I wanted to mix it up a bit with some more obscure songs, and novelty songs. My list of Holiday songsDec 18, 2014View
1669ArticleVaporman87Your experiences with your extended family, especially your cousins, it touching. My own experiences with my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents... they weren't like yours. I had very little in common with my cousins on either side. On my Dad's side, either they were never around and I barely knew them, which made me uncomfortable around them, or I knew them and... just didn't like them much. :) On my Mom's side, almost all of my cousins fit into one of three categories: Jocks/Army Guys, Delinquents, and Girls. I fit in with exactly none of these three categories, and therefore did not fit in at all. I made no attempt to try either. No, my enjoyment of Christmas came with just immediate family, and friends. And, it's still that way today (though with a marriage and 3 kids - and one more on the way - our family has grown and so has our group of friends). Great story Miss M. Thanks for sharing.How Mario Saved Christmas... and Other Super Nintendo TalesDec 16, 2014View
1676ArticleHoju KoolanderIt's definitely Nintendo that binds generations and family. Genetic connections are great, but who's your favorite character on Mario Kart? Nintendo breaks down all walls. I remember being fascinated with Mario Paint and the fact that they stuck in that fly swatter game for the kids that weren't very good at "creating art". Starfox was the game packaged with the Super NES set that I got one Christmas and I never really expanded my collection past that (just rented from Blockbuster). But really what more did you need? Cool graphics, neat character designs and simple, but challenging gameplay. Good times.How Mario Saved Christmas... and Other Super Nintendo TalesDec 17, 2014View
1686ArticleMissM@vaporman, thank you. Now that this is my first Christmas divorced, I have been thinking a lot about past Christmases and this was something that just came to my mind. I think my cousins and I started out so close because our parents were all close. But as we got older we all sort of drifted apart and that was really hard. But I am a huge proponent of family no matter if it is large or small, so Christmas always brings that out the most. I am really glad you have your family and friends Vaporman, that is awesome! I hope you have a fantastic Christmas. @HojuKoolander, Nintendo really does bind generations! We would get my grandmother to play Duck Hunt. She wouldn't play anything else, but for some reason she loved that game. I just remember thinking that was the craziest thing ever. I didn't have a lot of Snes games either, but the ones I did own were very memorable. Now I feel like playing some Starfox. I forgot how fun that game was. I hope you have a nice Christmas!How Mario Saved Christmas... and Other Super Nintendo TalesDec 18, 2014View
1652ArticleOldSchool80sNicely done! Merry Christmas.vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 16, 2014View
1653ArticleVaporman87Your visits to your uncle's house remind me of my visits to my grandparent's house during Christmas. There were always some of my cousins there that I rarely saw or knew, and it was never really a comfortable place to be with all those people there that seemed to know me, but me really not knowing them. Awesome article v... as usual!vkimo's Christmas SpecialDec 16, 2014View