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Retro Rooms Part Deux


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Displaying 401-410 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1359ArticleVaporman87I rented tapes and games almost exclusively under the assumption that it would be returned late, and it usually was. Then on my next trip to the rental shop, I paid last times fees and repeated the process. I was better at getting them back on time to the mom and pop shops, because I knew the people there better and didn't want to do them wrong. Great trip Dr Timewarp! Thanks for getting us back in one piece.  Oct 02, 2014View
1366ArticleVaporman87NLogan I think your old man and my old man were cut from the same mold (though he has dramatically mellowed out with age and Effexor. I never really had to deal with a really bad situation at a rental store. Later on, when <url=''>Movie Gallery</url> showed up nearby, a friend of mine got a job there and we scored some good deals (and some late fee removal) several times. Timewarp: Blockbuster Video 1996Oct 03, 2014View
1371ArticleVaporman87Beautiful read. I really feel the spirit of Halloween now! As for poor Steve, I can relate. I recall that, one year, I (by myself) decorated the pathway from our driveway to our door and prepared to scare trick-or-treaters (as opposed to actually trick-or-treating myself), only to find that barely anyone wanted to make the long walk up our driveway to our house. I feel Steve's pain. Living here in Rutland, we are WELL aware of when trick-or-treating starts and stops, because the fire department's siren sounds to begin and end the event. There is no mistaking when you're DONE, and the residents get to chow down on their own remaining sweets. I have to say, I love the layout of this piece. Just love it. It sucks that search engines won't find it because it's an image (well, unless they're LOOKING for an image of course) but it's like finding treasure... those who do find it will be very happy they did. Thanks a bunch for a great read vkimo. You never disappoint.Flannel CornucopiaOct 04, 2014View
1372ArticleVaporman87So much good stuff here... great stuff! The story of Halloween and your family's reverence for it is awesome. And you have so many great items that you can look to to inspire you to recapture the love of Halloween every year. I can only wish that my dad felt the same way about these occasions. For mine, it was more or less a night to relax in the quiet of our absence. My mom made an effort get us in the mood with decorations in the house and something festive to eat but... no. You guys really make it a family affair and that's what I strive to do with my own family. We do the *gasp* family costume thing. LOL. Every year. It's a real treat and I know that my kids will look back on it fondly... the idea that we enjoyed the night TOGETHER. Thanks for letting us experience Halloween through your eyes from yesterday and today. It was awesome.NLogan's Retro Halloween OverloadOct 04, 2014View
1379ArticleVaporman87I live in a house but it is so out of the way that few people would enjoy much of anything I did to it for Halloween. With Christmas, lights can always get a person's attention. But Halloween is typically all about darkness, so it's hard to get attention from way off for it.Flannel CornucopiaOct 05, 2014View
1382ArticleVaporman87Where'd you get the meals at? What food place? Those sound cool. NLogan's Retro Halloween OverloadOct 05, 2014View
1385ArticleVaporman87@NLogan: Ahh, poo. It looks so cool!!! Darn it!NLogan's Retro Halloween OverloadOct 06, 2014View
1391ArticleVaporman87I am picturing Frankenstein's monster in the traditional look sitting in a chair, turning his head up to the camera, and saying "Welcome to Masterpiece Theater" in his best British accent.Flannel CornucopiaOct 07, 2014View
1400ArticleVaporman87@NLogan: Ha! Frank is deep in thought about the dangers ISIL/ISIS and Ebola pose.Flannel CornucopiaOct 08, 2014View
1401ArticleVaporman87That is certainly a weird concept for a Garfield story. I may have to look that up just to see what that's all about. And I was always a little creeped out by Neff's "Welcome to your doom" statement. I remember thinking it was hilarious to go into the sound effects menu of the game and repeatedly activate that sound, then mix it with "Rise from your grave". I know this, because I have it tape recorded. LOL. Creepshow had some pretty goosebump inducing parts, as did the second one. Overall, I think they were both pretty well done, but they are what they are... kind of tongue-in-cheek horror. Nice article Ben, and a fine way to wrap up this series. Good to see you back at it again.Benjanime Scared Stupid IIIOct 08, 2014View