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Displaying 391-400 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1024ArticleVaporman87I miss the novelty of the Saturday Morning cartoon blocks. Not just on cable, but on regular network television. With all the 24 hour cartoon channels available these days, the magic of a special time set aside for cartoons is forever lost now. But I remember it... and I remember it well. Mar 03, 2014View
1025ArticleVaporman87Rita Repulsa seems to have taken some of her fashion sense from Madonna. That's... unfortunate. lol I am unfamiliar with the Evil Space Aliens, mainly because of my lack of interest in Power Rangers. Now that I'm being introduced to them for the first time, I feel sad for them. They all seem so lost and out of touch with the world around them. It was a valiant effort to try to bring them all together again Miss M., but it seems to have gone south quickly. Also, how does one snarl kindly? Toy Talk with Miss M- Reunion SpecialMar 03, 2014View
1026ArticleVaporman87Poor Modulok has been short changed here with a single commercial, while Glimmer has 9 images to show for her contributions. LOL. I did own Modulok from the original MOTU line, but remember very little about him. I had begun to lose interest in MOTU around the time of his release, having moved on to other, newer toys. But the combinations that could be made with his various parts seemed like a lame gimmick compared to some of the other MOTU offerings (I mean, Kobra Khan can shoot out water... Mosquitor can suck your blood... well, pretend to). My sister owned Glimmer and many other She-Ra figures, and the two of us would make the He-Man and She-Ra universes cross paths many times. I think I was a bit upset that my two female MOTU characters, Teela and Evil-Lyn, didn't have rooted hair. Why, I couldn't say. Considering I hated brushing/combing my own hair. LOLGuided by Light and Tales of a 1,000 ToysMar 03, 2014View
1027ArticleThatDudeintheHoodieSame here also the internet ruined it as well. Mostly for the same reason 24 hour cartoon channels have as well.ThatDudeintheHoodie looks at Disney's One Saturday MorningMar 03, 2014View
1028ArticleFulton4VMorning funnies and chilitos were two of my favorites from this list. I wish Taco Bell had something like that today with all the same ingredents. I can still smell it now. The Mcdonalds in the town over from me serves chicken wings now and that is right beside a Kfc.Yesterdays 1: Foods Long GoneMar 03, 2014View
1029ArticlemickyarberI also added a few things to this version of the article as an exclusive for RetroDaze. Didn't want to do just a straight repost.Yesterdays 1: Foods Long GoneMar 05, 2014View
1030ArticleMissMthecrow- Yes! I forgot about that with the Green Ranger. I think after all the circus of the Green Ranger coming out I kinda stopped watching as much as I would have liked. Benjanime- I had no idea that PR was the reason Sonic was cancelled. I really loved that show a lot. It was such a good show. I really miss good Sonic shows and toy lines. The stuff they have now feels like it is just the same Sonic figure over and over. Pikachulover- Kimberly was my favorite too! I forgot that the metallic ones did come from the movie. That was such a big deal too. My brother was so excited for the movie. Vaporman- Ya know, the Japanese invasion that followed PR was really something that did not capture my attention either. I liked PR and I liked Sailor Moon, but I didn't even really collect much SM. While I was still collecting and things like that, I was not invested in the Pokemon stuff and everything that followed. And these figures do scream mid 90's! I hate that the female bodies were the same as the males. It really does look really off. lol Flipped Out for Power Rangers!Mar 06, 2014View
1031ArticleMissMYeah, Rita did have an unusual sense of fashion. lol I guess that is what happens when one lives on the moon. They get a little behind on what works. The Evil Space Aliens were always kind of foolish, which is sad, because they do look fearsome. The sort of joke with Rita was that she would always have this mini meltdown towards those she thought were not doing their job of evil correctly. As for snarling kindly, I am not sure. But it certainly sounds like a fun sound to imagine. lolToy Talk with Miss M- Reunion SpecialMar 06, 2014View
1032ArticleMissMYeah, he was a bit short changed with this article. I never had him and really all I knew of him from the vintage toy was the commercial. I liked the idea of him being created into all these parts. Glimmer was a fun toy and I loved reading about your memories with your sister. I liked rooted hair too, but I was never one for brushing it. I hated brushing doll hair and I love hair! I was always annoyed that the hair would never look the same as before. But there was something also realistic about rooted hair that made the toys seem more real. I don't know if that makes any sense. I am glad you posted this comment!Guided by Light and Tales of a 1,000 ToysMar 06, 2014View
1033ArticleMissMSuch a fun article! I loved Dr. Pepper gum! It was so good. I am just having a blast looking at all these older foods. Really wonderful pictures and a very fun article. And Vaporman, you are so lucky to have McPizza near you! I feel like that was all a myth! lol Yesterdays 1: Foods Long GoneMar 06, 2014View