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Displaying 381-390 of 5259 results.
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1251ArticleVaporman87I never really got into either show. By the time these shows were on the air, I was at an age where Tales From The Crypt and Freddy's Nighmares and the like were more my thing. For those of us not familiar with the shows, we might automatically assume Goosebumps was the better pick, only because the brand was more "out there" in your face, with books and toys and other merchandising. So thanks for giving folks like me a little clarity on the both of them.  Sep 16, 2014View
1256ArticleVaporman87Yeah, I hear a lot about Knott's Scary Farm this time of year, and they get some pretty big names in Halloween and Horror to take part in that. That has to be a blast.Houses of HauntSep 16, 2014View
1257ArticleVaporman87LOL. Yeah, once it hits the ground it's all over for the wall crawler toys. I occasionally come across one that has been forgotten by my kids down behind a sofa or book shelf. And yeah, pictures are recommended (as I found out the hard way over at Retro Junk, lol). The Cereal IncidentSep 16, 2014View
1259ArticleVaporman87You mention a mall and some place called Donatelli's near Century College, and say we probably know where that is. LOL. Can't say I do. :)The Cereal IncidentSep 16, 2014View
1266ArticleVaporman87HA!!! Oh man. Though I have never had to go through such a thing, I feel like I can sympathize. Once, in around the third grade I believe, the class was huddled together in the dark of our school room, watching some kind of film (likely something educational, but I can't recall now). Our teacher had worn a long dress that day, like just about every other day I imagine. As I was sprawled out with my back on the floor watching the film, she asked me to sit up so she could pass by. I told her to just go over me. She smirked and said something to the effect of "no", though more words were likely used. I insisted she do so. This went back and forth for a short time, while the other kids laughed. I personally did not understand the problem with just stepping over me. Finally, I relented and allowed her to pass after I sat up. Afterward the other kids told me that she did not want me looking up her skirt (which had absolutely NEVER crossed my mind). Of course few of them believed that. The Not-So-Great PumpkinSep 17, 2014View
1272VideoVaporman87I'm with Caps... the third one really had heart and was easily the best of the trilogy. Toy Story 2Sep 18, 2014View
1275ArticleVaporman87LOL. That's classic. I can only recall that my best friend's sister was stationed in Germany while she was in the Army, and she taught him how to call someone a "dumb head" and a "sh*t head" in German. I don't know why I remember that to this day. The Not-So-Great PumpkinSep 18, 2014View
1282ArticleVaporman87Uhg. Jolt! Terrible stuff. Still, I have a feeling those of us who remember it would by a 12 pack of it just for the heck of it. Now Ecto-Cooler on the other hand, I could see it having staying power IF they kept the Slimer/Ecto-Cooler branding. People having been clamoring for it for years (None moreso than Matt at DinoDrac - I think he might actually cry if they ever brought it back). Crystal Pepsi was cool, but like you said... it was basically Pepsi with no color. Nothing to write home about, but a neat gimmick for it's time. I am reminded of SNL's parody of the Crystal Pepsi schtick when they did the commercial for "Clear Gravy". LOL. Something about that was so gross... and just wrong. These Beverages Need to Join the ReSurgenceSep 19, 2014View
1285ArticleVaporman87Indubitably. I see scenes from things like Saw and think UGH!!! It's all about trying to make it seem as real and awful as possible. Looking back on the slasher films of the past, there was the effort to make it look real, but it was still like trying to believe that that guy in the Godzilla suit really was smashing buildings. There was no way your mind could be tricked into disgust because the it was all still fake looking. Nowadays, it looks so real, and my mind can handle it. Not to mention, as Hoju did, that there is just no "fun" in it. No humor. Just sheer disgust and vileness. Halloween should be about fun first, frights second. What to Watch on HalloweenSep 20, 2014View
1291ArticleVaporman87Woah NLogan! I didn't know videos/images could be posted in comments! How??? EDIT: Oh I see. Just standard iframe tags. You would think one of us would have tried that before now. LOL Also, I agree with the Sleepy Hollow selection. And a scene frome the short with Huey, Duey, and Louie is a part of the Halloween Special. Great minds think alike. What to Watch on HalloweenSep 20, 2014View