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Displaying 381-390 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2204ArticleVaporman87@Retro King: Do you mean to say that you recorded YOURSELF performing broadcasts, or you simply recorded actual radio broadcasts? If it's the former, then I am in the same boat. I still have several cassette tapes with my friends and I acting out our "broadcasts". Great stuff. Apr 05, 2015View
5744ArticleBenjanime@RetroOtaku That only counts as a cameo though, not as a new installment. Rare said that they have no intention of making a new game because there's not enough fan demand for it.Washed Up Video Game MascotsSep 18, 2023View
5775ArticleBenjanime@RetroOtaku You can view a VHS rip on YouTube to use ;)Remembering the Nightmare Board GameOct 10, 2023View
4668ArticleBenjanime@Rick i mean it is great that they brought some anime over here, i'm just saying that some of their editing and writing was.... a bit sloppy at times. and i loved the 2003 TMNT btw :)Moments from the 2000s that I hatedNov 15, 2018View
3586Articlemickyarber@Rick Ace Rhodes I've tried to take a lot of commercialism out of our family Christmases, but it is all around us so much, it's really hard to get rid of it completely. Last year we tried something in our house where we did just one present. One for each kid, and one for the wife and I. I thought it would make us really think of the perfect gift, but some of us cheated and stuffed multiple items into one box and called it one gift.1986: The Year That Santa Became RealDec 15, 2016View
3385ArticleHoju Koolander@Rick Ace Rhodes Believe me, I wanted to like Masked Rider and even bought an action figure to try and jump start my fandom, but the show just didn't do it for me. Glad you are a loyal fan though.Mighty Morphin Ripoff Rangers Part 1Feb 27, 2016View
3750ArticleHoju Koolander@Rick Ace Rhodes Definitely strange. Why did she need 2 secret identities and life as a corporate CEO? I'll never know. @Vaporman87 Yeah, we got none of these shows and yet The Facts of Life ran for 9 seasons? Come on!Wackiest Failed TV PilotsFeb 13, 2017View
2560ArticleHoju Koolander@Rick Ace Rhodes He was actually on my list originally, but as ridiculous as he got, they still gave him character building episodes in later seasons to show he had some depth. After all, it was Monica who got the turkey stuck on her head, not Joey, so he still had some dignity.Sitcom Characters Who Got StupidAug 23, 2015View
2764Articlekidcoffee@Rick Ace Rhodes I had almost forgot about the great Joe drought that hit just when I was starting to lose interest in toys. For me it's hard to imagine a time without Joe as they were so prevalent during my childhood. I'm glad to see they seem to be making a bit of a comeback although I think this line is more geared to nostalgic nerds such as myself still wanting to cling to their own childhood. @mickyarber Thank you so much for the kind words. It means a lot. Looking back I wish I had thought to entitle this article O Joe as those little rings changed everything. Long forgotten fallen heroes restored back to their prime, and with the help of the Baroness' body I could finally custom craft myself a Lady Destro. It was too much fun.Yo JoeOct 03, 2015View
3443ArticleHoju Koolander@Rick Ace Rhodes That is indeed a loud and inescapable moment of embarrassment right there. Childhood Embarrassment 9021-D'oh!Mar 14, 2016View