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2084ArticleMissMI loved it when Kenner would do that! Their Ripley figure from the Alien toy line would get reused again for the Karen figure from the Congo toy line. I remember just being mind blown when that happened. I hadn't realized that parts would be reused for different toy lines. Obviously parts reuse made sense in the same toy line, but it was always a fun surprise. I loved the Beetlejuice toy line, I had so many of these. I still do for the most part. Beetlejuice was big business back then. I am with you though, it always bugged me that there was never a Lydia figure. She was one of the most integral characters on the show! lol Just crazy. Your mention of the booklets and images of other products was exciting for me too. I loved nothing more than looking at everything available and imagining the worlds I could play in if I could just own it all. lol  Mar 17, 2015View
4966ArticleBenjanimeif i recall, 1991 was when both the beetlejuice and ghostbusters cartoons ended, so it's kind of odd seeing toylines coming out at such a late time, especially when the real ghostbusters was starting to have really bad episodes late in the series.Kenner Action Toy Guide '91Jul 12, 2019View
2050ArticleVaporman87You know, one has to wonder... was Paul acting out because he knew the show was ending, and he figured he needed to break away from his alter ego in order to get a different range of parts? I thought he did really well in Buffy The Vampire Slayer (the movie, not the atrocious television series). Cool fun facts Hoju. Thanks for sharing a few from the book.Pee-wee Herman Fun FactsFeb 25, 2015View
2054Articleechidna64Thanks Hoju! P.W. still crack's me up and his great adventure is one of my favorite movies! Pee-wee's Christmas Special is a must see for fans! I also heard that Rob Zombie was a production assistant on Pee-wee's playhouse lol Pee-wee Herman Fun FactsFeb 25, 2015View
2056ArticleHoju Koolander@echidna64 You're welcome. The Christmas Special was actually the result of a writer's strike. The 3rd season got cut short, so they threw together all those guest stars who had been asking for a chance to be on the show into that holiday madness. @Vaporman87 Yeah, his endless death scene was about the only memorable part of that movie. Pee-wee Herman Fun FactsFeb 27, 2015View
3419ArticleChesI don't think Paul was acting out, to be honest... I believe he just did what he wanted to do without giving it a second thought. Anyway, we'll never know what was on his mind back then. Gotta admit, this story captivates me, and so does this whole Pee-wee's Herman universe... Thank you for the article, it was a good read.Pee-wee Herman Fun FactsMar 05, 2016View
2031ArticleVaporman87First of all, I have bad news. Sonic figures are still made to be broken within minutes. Jazzwares didn't learn any lessons from Resaurus when it comes to toy manufacturing. My kids have broken so many Sonic figures I could have 3 whole collections of them if they were all in tact. And I agree that rubber band hips were just a terrible and lazy idea. Unfortunately G.I. Joe wasn't the only popular figure out there sporting rubber hips. He-Man did as well. Lazy articulation is what I call that (though in Mattel and Hasbro's defense, the kind of articulation you see today just wasn't around then, and likely would have been so cost prohibitive that you would have never had the opportunity to own the figures period).Toy AnnihilationFeb 21, 2015View
2036ArticlepikachuloverThe strange thing is that I never had a problem with my Power Ranger figures breaking. Toy AnnihilationFeb 22, 2015View
2045ArticleFulton4VI always had my GIJOES break when I played with them. My mom would accuse me of being to rough on them but it was just they were cheaply made with those plastic bands on them.Toy AnnihilationFeb 23, 2015View
2058ArticleHoju KoolanderI think I was just way to precious about my action figures to even get close to breaking them. I do remember a few chewed MOTU figure fingers, but nothing where the whole toy came apart. The closest I got to seeing G.I. Joes break was my friend's brother who would mix and match limbs to create new mutant characters. So I guess the fact that the figures were easily dismantled was a plus to him.Toy AnnihilationMar 02, 2015View