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Displaying 3731-3740 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2187Articleechidna64Huge turtle fan here! Thanks Hoju for stirring the turtle soup of memories! I had the Technodrome playset as a kid and it was literally my favorite toy of all-time. So many climatic battles took place there between the many incarnations of the Turtle dudes and their many enemies.  Apr 01, 2015View
5454Articlerakesh Characters Who Got StupidJul 05, 2021View
4700ArticleOldSchool80s Movie and TV SantasDec 08, 2018View
4021Articleechidna64 Dream Cast for a 1987 X-Men movieJul 26, 2017View
583VideoMr MagicHow well did this game do?Bug! Sega Saturn IntroApr 18, 2013View
4740ArticleMr MagicHow odd. I didn't see this ad on TV at all this year.Hershey's Kisses Christmas Bells CommercialDec 19, 2018View
4703ArticleVaporman87How odd it is to long for the days when bright blue screens with yellow and white text ruled television advertising. There’s something strangely comforting about them. I personally love the He-Man and She-Ra Christmas Special. It did a fine job of combining the two worlds and playing to the light-hearted appeal of Christmastime. You have to love Skeletor being good and wondering what the heck is wrong with himself. LOL5 Christmas Commercials of the '80sDec 08, 2018View
507VideoFulton4VHow many episodes did the series last?Toonami - Lockdown (2001)Mar 22, 2013View
1179VideoVaporman87How many "sequels" did they make?101 Dalmatians Original TeaserAug 17, 2014View
235VideoVaporman87How long will it be before episodes like these are banned for featuring a black woman as a maid/servant?Tom and Jerry - The Mouse Comes to DinnerJan 30, 2013View