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Displaying 361-370 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
804ArticleVaporman87@Ben: That seems extremely goofy to me. We too have an "open house" type of event during and after the hour long Trick-or-Treat event held at our church. Trick-or-Treaters come and enjoy free chili, peanut butter sandwiches, and drinks. During the TorT, we hand out bags of goodies and prizes. It's nice to be able to go there and relax and eat warm chili after walking almost 2 miles throughout the neighborhood with the kids in tow. But we wouldn't be THAT picky about the costumes. Just no bloody/gory/scantily clad visitors in the Fellowship Hall (They can still have someone else bring them chili). Oct 01, 2013View
812ArticleVaporman87Did anyone else attend a school that held a "Halloween" carnival/festival? I always looked forward to them in elementary school. Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 03, 2013View
815ArticleVaporman87These school festivals usually involved cake walks, bobbing for apples, fishing for grab bags (with a gym pad standing upright and someone behind it tying the grab bag to the end of a "fishing rod" that the player tossed over the wall), a "ghost walk" or haunted house experience, and more games and food. Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 03, 2013View
839ArticleVaporman87Does it make any sense to you that there is a local community having a costume party/dance on Nov. 2nd? How can you feel like you're in the Halloween spirit AFTER Halloween? It's like opening your Christmas presents 3 days after Christmas day.Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 22, 2013View
801ArticleMr MagicI remember a couple of costumes I wore from my trick-or-treating days. In '92, I was Penguin from Batman Returns, and a couple of years later, I was Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. In the first picture towards the end of the article, it looks like Mark approached Casper the Friendly Ghost lol. But anyway, it was a good, well-written article. I like.Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 01, 2013View
805ArticleMr MagicThere was this church I used to go to, and during one Halloween season, the regular people would come on Sundays, but on the night of the big Halloween festival, the church would fill up with these people I've never seen before! And after the festival was over, they never came back!Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 01, 2013View
814ArticleMr MagicThere's always one next to one of the churches here every year called Candyfest.Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 03, 2013View
1486Articleshakin steakLike this year, in 2008 Halloween was on a Friday. So I went to a Halloween party on Friday and another one on Saturday. If the weekend isn't enough of an excuse, you could always celebrate El Dia de Los Muertos.Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 28, 2014View
803ArticleBenjanimespeaking of costumes my older brother told me that he went to a halloween night event at a church once, but he got thrown out. he wore a taz costume, but on the back it showed his full name, "tasmanian devil". the fact that the word "devil" on it was the reason why :|Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 01, 2013View
813ArticleBenjanimemy school didn't have those, just pizza parties and candy that got passed out.Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 03, 2013View