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Displaying 3641-3650 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3745ArticleOldSchool80sI am one of the biggest John Hughes film fans you will find. Enjoyed your story! Feb 12, 2017View
3268ArticleNLoganI am old enough to have seen all of the films in the theater with my dad. For Raiders of the Lost Ark I caught a re-release in 1982. I love the trilogy films and the ride at Disneyland. I went as Indiana Jones this last Halloween. I remember the DietCoke commercial but not the McDonald's advertising. LJN made Temple of Doom toys but I never did find them as a kid. I do have a Temple of Doom lunchbox and one Temple of Doom collector's glass from 7UP although I don't remember where I got it from. Maybe Godfather's pizza as that is where I got my Goonies ones. I also had Tops cards as a kid for the Raiders and Temple of Doom. Indiana Jones MemoriesJan 11, 2016View
4776VideoVaporman87I am just now realizing that the main girl in this ad is played by a young Mila Kunis.Telephone Tammy CommercialJan 05, 2019View
228ArticleraptorI am just in shock that you would say TMNT was overrated. You sir, are grounded from anything retro for a week.Overrated shows from my childhoodJan 29, 2013View
3990ArticleTimothy Zero I am happy to read a positive divorce story since a lot of them out there are terrible and very sad (like my own). I really did enjoy your article though! Thanks for sharing!Divorced Dad MemoriesJul 16, 2017View
1341Articlecomic_book_fani am glad you liked it i will be making alot more of these.Halloween 1995 Victory and Embarrassment Sep 29, 2014View
2626Articleozzyrulz777I am glad I am not alone lol.A Few Bands From The Past That I Hate And WhySep 09, 2015View
4183ArticlemickyarberI am currently undergoing a similar project, but not just with action figures. A lot of old stuff like action figures, Hot Wheels, trading cards, and other things are slowly being currated for our retro museum here.Action Figure Reclamation Project Phase 1Oct 27, 2017View
5781ArticleOldSchool80sI am also partial to Oingo Boingo's "Dead Man's Party"My 5 Favorite Halloween SongsOct 28, 2023View
3920ArticleLazloI am a great fan of "The Breakfast Club" and John Hughes, and feel so blessed to have had both as part of my teen years. I think you have some insightful comments about BK. It was indeed about five teens, who could have been teens from almost any American high school, breaking through the stereotypes and discovering each other as real individuals. Its a protest against the clique system. And its full of these revealing moments: when Bender talks about his apparently abusive parents, when the Andrew (the jock) reveals a cruel prank he played on another student and draws a response from Brian (the nerd), when Allison (however awkardly) gradually reveals more of herself as the movie progresses. Really, the film is a breakthrough movie, and deserves a lot more credit that it sometimes gets.The Breakfast Club and Changing PerceptionsJun 08, 2017View