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Displaying 3611-3620 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3627ArticleRick Ace RhodesI can't really remember ever asking for something and not receiving it. I didn't really ask for much around the holidays when I was a kid, I would often make out a small list of things, and most of my presents that followed were either things my family thought I would like or things they heard me mention and thought would be a good gift. There are some darker sides to Christmas though. Not getting to spend it with certain family members because of either family drama, falling outs or them just not being able to travel home. There's sad aspects but I guess you just have to focus on the good. Dec 22, 2016View
2907ArticleVaporman87I can't imagine the fear you must have felt just prior to realizing the prank that had been played on you. That would definitely be something I NEVER forgot. A great tale of childhood shenanigans. It's great that you were able to revisit that "sacred" place in your memories. That too, would be quite memorable.Urban Legend visit of my youth-revisitedOct 14, 2015View
3677ArticleVaporman87I can't imagine a more thorough list of cereals that any kid would want to choose from on a Saturday morning! I would reach for almost any of these as a kid (except maybe some of the healthier fare). I REALLY want one of those Masters of the Universe fuzzy iron-ons (because one of the characters is ROBOTO!). I have right now in my possession one or two of those Sugar Bear Christmas plushes. I had them for use in one of the Christmas Goodie Packs but didn't use them. I actually did not know they made noise upon squeezing them. I'll have to try them to see if they still work. Saturday Morning CerealsJan 11, 2017View
3682ArticleHoju KoolanderI can't imagine a more comprehensive look at retro cereals. The Ghostbusters and TMNT brands especially bring back memories of walking through the grocery store aisles. I never knew those Batman comics were offered through the cereal. I got mine as part of the dramatized book and tape sets, which are fantastic. Love that shot of your collection at the end. So is RJ classics a method now of revising old RetroJunk articles being pioneered by NLogan? Or is this a longstanding trend I somehow missed?Saturday Morning CerealsJan 14, 2017View
5643vhsCoverJust_Esh_68'I can't even imagine how exciting it must have been to either unwrap this on Christmas morning, or slide it across the counter and lay out the c-note that it probably required to buy it back in 1980-something. Star Wars was my world for years and I watched this movie 3 or 4 times in the theatre alone; after all, in 1978 there were no VCRs in homes really, and it took years before a blockbuster movie ever made it to tape when they did. So we re-lived the wonder of the movies with the action figures and recreating scenes with our Han Solo blaster and homemade lightsabers!STAR-WARSJun 03, 2022View
162VideoVaporman87I can't count the times I have done my best Owen impression. lolPlains, Trains, & Automobiles - OwenJan 18, 2013View
5625Article I can't believe we don't have interactive toys like Captain Power nowadays, that's such a cool concept!VHS OdysseyMar 31, 2022View
2546ArticleVaporman87I can't believe someone so into Halloween would give Wendy's coupons. Onipar, turn in your Halloween Geek badge. Top 5 Best and Worst things to get in...Aug 18, 2015View
4163ArticleNLoganI can't believe a costume with a codpiece didn't win over your band mates. Childhood Comic CreationsOct 03, 2017View
65VideoVaporman87I can vividly remember the first years of satellite stations changing to the Pay TV format. It took very little time for every "good" station on satellite to go fuzzy. It really aggravated me. Save Free TVDec 14, 2012View