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Displaying 3591-3600 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1838VideoVaporman87Few movies can creep you out the way Poltergeist can. It doesn't need torture or gore to do the job. Just a house, a medium, a TV, and a family. Why Tobe Hooper didn't have much success after this and Texas Chainsaw Massacre eludes me. Jan 26, 2015View
1836VideoVaporman87I can't tell you how many tape cassette recordings my friends and I did in which one part was our commentary on a lawsuit filed against Madonna for making awful movies and her crazy antics outside the studio. One such recording was my friend and I pretending that Weird Al was being sued by Madonna for making a parody song called "Who's That Queer?" Then we find out Weird Al is involved in a love triangle with Madonna and is absolved of any wrong doing. Yeah. So, there's that. LOLWho's That GirlJan 26, 2015View
1835ArticlepikachuloverWhen I was between about the ages 4-6 I really liked the show Today's Special. My mom gave me this old grey carnival prize mouse. I named Muffy. I took her everywhere with me. The head got all floppy from carrying her around in a headlock. When I was about 6 and a half she fell in my wading pool, and could not be salvaged. I think my pikachu eventually became the replacement Muffy. When I was telling my little cousin how long I had the pikachu I realized I had owned it for half my life. I got it right before my sophomore year of high school. Somebody gave that same cousin a Chucky doll from the Child's Play movies and she would play with it like a baby doll. Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 26, 2015View
1834ArticleVaporman87Ahhh. Here is a subject I can dig into pretty deeply. Sure I had several plushes churned out to peddle the latest TV, film, or other property... but it was the stuffed toys with no affiliation to these things that I always felt drawn to. Unlike my He-Man, G.I. Joe, Thundercats, and Transformers toys, I preferred to inject into my stuffed toys the personalities, eccentricities, and character I wanted them to have, or felt like they would have if they were actually "alive". During my preteen years, I would stay up a little later (on almost a nightly basis) and use my smaller stuffed toys to perform a show, right on my lap as I laid down in bed. The covers draping over my legs and knees served as the stage backdrop... for the "Meowwy Wowwy Show". Yes, I'm treading territory that I've already covered in the forum more than once, but this article screams for it to be retold. Characters like Meowwy himself, his brother Smarts, Penguin Halfheart, Buford the Rabbit, and many more would perform for me until I was too tired to let it continue. These stuffed wonders were nothing more than fairly generic, unknown toys. But once brought to life with my imagination, they were far more popular than any Scooby-Doo or Snoopy toy could ever be. The best thing about all of this, is that the "Meowwy Wowwy Show" is now a big part of the play time I enjoy with my own kids. Sure, Meowwy now has a real stage (puppet sized, mind you) and a bigger audience, but the character I brought to life more than 30 years ago is the same today. And so is the toy, actually. My "Meowwy Wowwy" stuffed cat is 34 years old this year. Penguin Halfheart is pretty much the same. 34 years and Meowwy has never once needed to be sewn. Yeah, his felt ears are starting to deteriorate and disappear, but beyond that he is pretty much the same as he was all those years ago. Those who haven't yet seen the photos of Meowwy's new digs and of Meowwy himself can see that in <a href="">this thread.</a>Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 26, 2015View
1833ArticleHoju Koolander@Fulton4V I know what you mean. I have the same sort of relationship with Double Dragon. It's my favorite, but I can never pass the cave level. Still, I always enjoy playing the stages I can pass.Nintendo Discoveries: The Adventures of Bayou BillyJan 25, 2015View
1832ArticlevkimoIt wasn't wood grain, but I know exactly what card you're talking about. This was a Giants card and his rookie was as a Pirate. I have a few of that cardAladdin's Castle B-Day Jan 25, 2015View
1831ArticleVaporman87What year was Bonds rookie card? Was it '87? The year Topps did the whole wood grain look on the card? I have that one, and a bunch of others.Aladdin's Castle B-Day Jan 24, 2015View
1830ArticleFulton4VBayou billy was one of my favorite games for the Nintendo. But I could never get far int it as it was pretty difficult to me.Nintendo Discoveries: The Adventures of Bayou BillyJan 24, 2015View
1829ArticleMr MagicIf you happen to do another list, could you use this video, please? As you can see, the superstars come together/interact in this one.TDitH's Top 5 Segment Intros of the 90sJan 24, 2015View
1828ArticleVaporman87Never did I think I would come to know so much about Bayou Billy. And yet, here I sit, well educated on the man at long last, LOL. I would say there is not doubt about the influences that lead to the character. You've laid that out pretty clearly. Funny that with so much attention to the character in the cartoon series, and his own comic book mini series of sorts, that more wasn't done to push him further into our collective consciousness. Perhaps the marketing bigwigs finally came to the conclusion that "It just wasn't working", and pulled the plug on old Billy. I suppose we'll never know. Nintendo Discoveries: The Adventures of Bayou BillyJan 24, 2015View