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Displaying 351-360 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1173ArticleVaporman87That's awesome Mike. I've watched Summers perform on Food Network over the years, and he does exceptional work wherever he goes. I also learned of his battle with OCD, and could sympathize with him as I too was diagnosed with it. Double Dare was just one of those shows that truly went from just another game show to legendary status. The production quality of the show was always top notch, and Summers himself made it worth the watch. Not to mention it was great for kids to have a game show of their own that really did well in the ratings. Great article Mike. Thanks for this. Jul 16, 2014View
1176ArticleVaporman87Okay. So now I feel a bit like perhaps I've been a bit too hard on Mike Bay and his foray into TMNT. That's no small feat, let me add. Wow. What can I say. Much of this made my eyes bleed and ears bleed. Everything from the Ninja Rap to the Turtles on tour make you wonder what the heck those in charge of these decisions were thinking. I wonder how Eastman and Laird feel about these things. Do they hide under pillows wishing they would go away? Taking the cake though, is that Oprah interview. What the heck was the guy playing Raph thinking? Who says that as a Turtle with all these kids watching??? Good grief, that's just wrong. Hopefully whoever that guy was is cleaning bathrooms at a gas station now. Thanks for ruining my rose-colored glasses Mike. LOL.Teenage Mutant Ninja TerriblesJul 22, 2014View
1179VideoVaporman87How many "sequels" did they make?101 Dalmatians Original TeaserAug 17, 2014View
1183ArticleVaporman87He was a great talent that knew how to mask his pain. TV and film won't be the same without him.In Memory of Robin WilliamsAug 19, 2014View
1184ArticleVaporman87I might catch some flack for this, but I have NEVER watched The Wizard. I've known about it for quite some time, but wasn't interested in it when it was released in theaters, and never was able to build up any interest in it thereafter. As has been discussed here in the forums (see: ), 1989 was a huge year for movies, with Batman taking the lead. This film never stood a chance to earn my movie ticket money. But now, with the nostalgia factor of it increasing every year, I think it's time I give this movie a viewing. It's a long time coming, but it's time to scratch this one off my bucket list. :)Nintendo Is a Wizard at Product PlacementAug 25, 2014View
1186ArticleVaporman87Ha! Life comes full circle when the bully winds up working the counter at a 7-Eleven. I can sympathize with your plight in Little League. I played Little League baseball for a short time in grade school as well. I quit for reasons I can't really remember. I think it had something to do with witnessing another player on my team get a black eye getting hit by a pitch. I was better suited for Cub Scouts, which I stayed with for a far longer period of time, still quitting it before entering Webelos though. I have a long history of not finishing things. How this website ever came into being is a miracle. LOL Little (Skills) LeagueAug 27, 2014View
1189ArticleVaporman87I think much of the reason that the She-Ra series seemed to benefit from better stories and backgrounds, was that the team at Filmation had lots of time to flesh out stuff and hone their development of the property first with He-Man. I could be wrong, but I've heard that said in "He-Man" circles for years. Also... Hordak may be a step up from Skeletor, but at least He-Man only had ONE annoying comic relief. In She-Ra we get anywhere for two to four of those (Madam Razz, her broom, Kowl, and Hordak's pet). LOLNew Eyes on He-Man and She-RaSep 02, 2014View
1193ArticleVaporman87Darn it! I don't know how many times now I have read about kids in school having cool parties (pajama parties, pizza parties, etc.). We never had parties in school. Maybe occasionally we would not have to actually do work in class, and instead sit and talk and snack, but we never had parties. We did have a Halloween celebration in elementary school though. It too had a Haunted House set up in one of the classrooms, and the gymnasium was littered with games, food, and contests. It was fun!TDitH goes Back to SchoolSep 03, 2014View
1194ArticleVaporman87No doubt about it... Pizza Hut has had some really good promotional products to offer in the past. I don't know that they do much of that anymore though. I was reminded (by the article) that I too once owned a few of the Land Before Time vinyl puppets. They were really well done. I can't say I ever wore out a copy of the Coming Out Of Their Shells Tour cassette, but I did wear out my cassette of the Turtles movie soundtrack. I can still sing you entire songs from that album that have likely never been played anywhere outside of somebody's boom box. LOLPizza Hut PromotionsSep 03, 2014View
1198ArticleVaporman87Did your school ever have games like bobbing for apples or the "mystery bag" fishing game where you drop your line behind an upright gym mat and somebody ties a bag on then pulls the string to let you know you've "caught" something? TDitH goes Back to SchoolSep 03, 2014View