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Displaying 351-360 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
780ArticleMr MagicWhy no more orange couch? They didn't make payments on it? Sep 05, 2013View
790ArticleMr MagicThe magic of Saturday nights on Nickelodeon is dead. :(A Look at SNICKSep 10, 2013View
793ArticleMr MagicSorry to go off-topic, but I'd like to see WWE revived. If you watch Raw or Smackdown, then you know what I mean.A Look at SNICKSep 10, 2013View
785ArticleBenjanimeman i missed seeing this block go, it sucks how fast time passes, but hey, what can you do. great article!A Look at SNICKSep 05, 2013View
779ArticleblueluigiI watched the SNICK-iversary last month that aired during The 90s Are All That. It was a really nice tribute to SNICK that included some of the original 1992 bumpers. It was just too bad they couldn't include Roundhouse.A Look at SNICKSep 05, 2013View
787ArticleAjimbo@Vaporman87: The Big Orange Couch was given away in a contest with $20,000 dollars in the cushions. The manager of the Sony studio in LA went to grad school with me two years ago and told me that her friends won it when I mentioned I studied nostalgia. It resides in an apartment in Salinas, California.A Look at SNICKSep 08, 2013View
1437Articleretro90sboyyea the magic of tv is goneA Look at SNICKOct 15, 2014View
786ArticleVaporman87This was a really great look back at the evolution of Hard Rock/Heavy Metal through the major transitions of the early 90's to today. It is funny how some bands managed to stay on top throughout the years, while others just either could not adapt, or refused to. Thanks to Venomous Mask for this!The Great Hard Rock HarvestSep 06, 2013View
800ArticleVaporman87This was a fun read. I'm like you, I have so few memories of my Trick-or-Treat outings. Sure, there are some there... like the time I have mentioned before where we soaped a neighbor's tractor and garage windows (who me?), or some of the masks I wore-including a most memorable one that was hideous and had light up eyes. But unfortunately they are so few and far between, and it makes me sad that I can't recall more. I can go back to my Cub Scout days and remember being at a cabin that was made into a haunted house for us, and being afraid to go in. They also did this at our grade school, sometimes having the haunted house in a classroom, and other times on the stage in the gymnasium. It is fun now though, taking my kids through the neighborhood, all of us dressing in a theme (Star Wars this year). I'm making new Halloween memories, and letting my kids do the actual begging for the candy. ;)Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 01, 2013View
802ArticleVaporman87@crow: You were the Penguin? That seems like a strange character choice (I've never encountered anyone dressed as The Penguin that I know of). But then again, I kind of like it that way. I wouldn't have liked wearing the same thing everyone else was.Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 01, 2013View