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Displaying 351-360 of 5259 results.
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3957ArticleRick Ace RhodesWhile I can't relate fully, there was a brief period in my life where I went through this. My parents split up for a period of time back when I was in third grade. They eventually got back together, but it was a weird period none the less. I remember sitting in bed one night, a night that my father returned home after I went to bed. I was pretending to sleep while listening to my parents in the living room have an extremely emotional discussion. I just spent the entire night that night thinking about what the future held for my family and how the life I had up until that moment was likely over. Soon after that is when I started having days out with my dad on the weekend. From the morning to night he would take me out to eat, see a movie, go shopping and just do other activities that he knew I would enjoy. While I enjoyed every day I had with him, deep down on the inside I was upset knowing that this was likely going to be the new normal for me. I guess I’m a lucky kid in this type of situation, my parents got back together eventually. Eventually the entire incident became a thing of the past and was completely forgotten by everyone. Jun 21, 2017View
2316ArticleDirtyD79While I can't get behind baggin' on the Ninja Turtles I definitely have to agree I hated the rest of these shows too. I wanted to like Cartoon All Stars To The Rescue because hey all the cartoon characters are in it but it was just preachy and lame. Overrated shows from my childhoodJun 23, 2015View
4011ArticleVaporman87While Hoskins may be perfect in some ways, he just lacks an intimidating frame. Like I said, he would have had to go ape on the weights for a very long time just to come close to Wolvie's shape. I would probably have gone with somebody like Tom Cruise. He's short, he can pack on muscle when he needs to, and he's insane. Kinda like Logan.My Dream Cast for a 1987 X-Men movieJul 22, 2017View
1382ArticleVaporman87Where'd you get the meals at? What food place? Those sound cool. NLogan's Retro Halloween OverloadOct 05, 2014View
829ArticleVaporman87Where to start? :) I have to agree that candy bars were where it was at when it came to candy. I started there, and worked my way down. Probably the candy bar I got the most in a full size version was Kit Kat, possibly because of it's smallish length compared to, say Snickers or 3 Musketeers. I also enjoyed the occasional toy in my bucket, but it was a rarity - even in party favor form. I would have considered myself lucky to have received a parachute guy or bag of army men. For a time, I think I received as many Blow Pops as I did Tootsie Pops. But that didn't last forever. The candy substitute I received the most of were rice or popcorn balls. This was "alright" I suppose, but they were the last to get opened. Regarding Candy Cigarettes, they weren't the tastiest of treats, but they were alright for those days after you've cleaned out the chocolate good stuff. I was lucky enough to be a trick-or-treater before the onslaught of sugar free crap. So thankfully, this was not much of an issue. But anyone who hands out toothbrushes to trick-or-treaters deserves to have their house bathed in toilet paper. Unless, of course, they ALSO handed you a candy along with it. :) Great read TDITH! Thanks so much!Top 5 Best and Worst things to get in...Oct 15, 2013View
1631ArticleVaporman87Where to begin? My main memory of this movie is that, the months leading up to (and after) it's release were what I'd call "Batmania". NEVER before in my youth had I witnessed a marketing push like that which this movie enjoyed. As you said, you could not escape it... no matter where you were. I had seen products emblazoned with the bat symbol that would never had occurred to me to be something you'd market a film on. It was just insane. And the thing was, I fully recognized it. Even then, at the tender age of 16, only just becoming allowed to drive by myself, I would often think, "Man, this is just crazy." And it worked. That movie was all you read about, heard about, or talked about when it came to films that year. And that's saying a lot, because '89 is arguably one of the best years ever for movies (from a fan perspective anyways). I had that magazine you pictured (might even still have it somewhere). And I know I still have the semi-hardback comic based on the film. I think I may even still have a very threadbare black t-shirt with the '89 bat symbol on it. No doubt about it... 1989 was the year of "The Bat".Batman '89 RememberedDec 14, 2014View
2294ArticlejkatzWhere is Goldust??My Top 5 Fave Wrestlers of the 90'sMay 28, 2015View
5438ArticlevkimoWhere in PA do you live? I moved here from California and there's not really any corner stores. Back in Cali we had one right up the street called Frank's - It was always a treat making the 2 block journey to it and scoring some candy.The Corner StoreJun 09, 2021View
198VideoVaporman87Where have I seen that red-headed kid's mug before? I know he hosted some other show. Was it a Nickalodeon show?GamePro TV Episode - Mag-net-o EditionJan 25, 2013View
3985ArticleHoju KoolanderWhenever I think of Sega Genesis, Altered Beast comes to mind first. Always thought it was awesome. I love those biting blob enemies that you kick into goo. I had no idea that there was an NES port, that would be fascinating to play. I had a Starfox game watch like that, but had I known about the Altered Beast version, I would have totally been wearing that.Altered BeastJul 06, 2017View