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Displaying 351-360 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2777Articlekidcoffee@onipar It really was. I would have much preferred a well meaning neighbor to have chased me with a chainsaw, but no dice. I got stuck with Momma. Thankfully though, despite her best efforts, she did not break my Halloween spirit. Thwarted it a bit that year, but I bounced back. Also thank you for the kind words. Oct 05, 2015View
5301ArticleMr Magic@onipar: With pleasure! :)The Halloween Wayback MachineOct 07, 2020View
1330Articlevkimo@Pika Now that I think about it, you were only allowed to be nude through one of the haunted houses, but still.A Haunting ExperienceSep 25, 2014View
1914Articlevkimo@Pika - You're thinking of ilikehthepixiesRemembering RetroJunkFeb 09, 2015View
5207ArticleBenjanime@pikachulover despite the high prices they wanted for DVDs and tapes, i honestly miss it. i know some stores might still exist but the one in my area closed down around 2004 i think.Making the anime nerd transitionMay 18, 2020View
1745ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover and thecrow174 Disney Adventures is definitely worthy of its own article, I had quite a stack of them myself. @Vaporman87 Those MOTU paintings were always amazing to see. Kind of like Alex Ross did to comic book characters, it really brought Eternia to life. I bought Cracked religiously from 1990-1993, MAD always seemed too "smart" for me. I love the website for what it is (their podcast is pretty great too), but they don't even reference Sylvester P. Smythe or Spies and Sabs anywhere! A missed opportunity.Kids Magazines of the 90sDec 30, 2014View
3812ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover Hey, good to hear from you, it's been a while. Glad to know someone else enjoyed the fun of the Hi-C promotion. I totally forgot about the character profiles. If my purchase hadn't been a one time deal to get the Hero Caps, I'm sure I would still be hanging on to those cut out cards.90's X-Men Food AdsMar 31, 2017View
1812ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover I guess I should have collaborated with you for more personal photographic evidence of the event. At least Gadget got her own ride once Toontown opened, what a tribute! I didn't remember the stamp on the map deal, sounds cool. I definitely was watching The Disney Afternoon on KCAL 9, I think I linked to that special. Was it the one with the Olsen Twins? @Vaporman87 I have found evidence on YouTube that Disney World had a Disney Afternoon stage show at Mickey's Starland, but no mention of the Avenue and ride conversions. @thecrow174 Another great observation. I guess futuristic surfboards aren't very fitting for the timeframe either, but they probably knew they had to give kids someone to identify with, despite looking like he came from a totally different series.The Disney Afternoon RevisitedJan 18, 2015View
2615ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover I have a vague recollection of the Pegasus fruit snack, but it's so weird that the brand doesn't ring any bells. It sounds like a fun fruit snack concept though.Fruit SnacksSep 06, 2015View
4208ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover I knew you'd have my back on this one. Yep, KCOP Channel 13 was where I watched almost all of these cartoons, with the exception of the Marvel Action Universe, which played on KTLA Channel 5. Although I think the later version in the 90s called the Marvel Action Hour with Iron Man and Fantastic Four eventually played on KCOP. I'm blanking on Paw Paw Bears though. They look vaguely familiar, but I don't think I watched it.SUNDAY Morning CartoonsNov 28, 2017View