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Displaying 3581-3590 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3842ArticleVaporman87Here's something you can fact check on the internet; the county I live in (Meigs) is notorious for "Meigs County Gold (or Green)"... or marijuana for those a bit confused. Even people in other states had heard of Meigs County's abundance of Mary Jane (why that is I don't want to know). So naturally we were routinely shovel fed a steady dose of anti-drug seminars in school. Typically this was a group of former dopeheads putting the fear of the almighty in you. Now look at this nation. We're legalizing the stuff. Go figure. Apr 23, 2017View
3845ArticleLazloVaporman87- I remember I spent a large part of that day listening to the concert over the radio, until the television networks started coverage during the evening. To me, it was an important event for our generation. A very memorable '80s event. Remembering Live Aid (1985)Apr 23, 2017View
3846ArticleBenjanimego for it! and thanks for the compliment! ^^1990s EdutainmentApr 23, 2017View
3847ArticleVaporman87So this question now comes to mind: Stronger? Vibranium or Adamantium?Wolverine a Reader's Perspective Part 11Apr 23, 2017View
3850ArticleVaporman87Ahhh... nevermind. <a href="">I found the answer</a>. I seems, at least in Captain America's shield's case, it wins out. Wolverine a Reader's Perspective Part 11Apr 23, 2017View
3851ArticleNLoganI had the belt, sword, and shield set.Catalog Pages: Masters of the Universe from 1985Apr 23, 2017View
3852ArticlejkatzThis article reminded me that I had a Nickelodeon version of 3D movie maker as a kid! I must've put in hundreds of hours into that game.1990s EdutainmentApr 23, 2017View
3853ArticlejkatzOh my God..Steven Spielberg working with Rob Liefeld? There's a strong chance that this would've been terrible, but amazing to a massive trainwreck. At first I thought they were going to be working on a movie for Doom (as in the game), and my heart kipped a beat. That would've been the most "1990s" project of all time.Andy Mangels Hollywood Heroes From May 1993Apr 23, 2017View
3854ArticleHoju KoolanderYou're right. I mean Marvel still has a lot of their movie characters on Doritos, Skittles and even Kleenex boxes around the time of movie release dates, but those are movie tie-ins, not the illustrated comic book characters promoting Go-Gurt for example. You see The Avengers everywhere, but it's like movie concept art. Meanwhile the original inspirations for the live action adventures are relegated to dollar store merchandise, it's a sad state of affairs indeed.Spider-Man Food Ads of the 90'sApr 24, 2017View
3855ArticlemickyarberThrough working at a grocery store throughout the 90's,I remember just about all of this stuff. The McDonald's toys are foreign to me, but the rest I have at least a recollection of. The Spiderman pasta always sold really well. Keep the old advertising, especially the food advertising, coming.Spider-Man Food Ads of the 90'sApr 24, 2017View