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Displaying 341-350 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1132ArticleVaporman87Oh yeah... and I love the drawing of the game room! ;) Jun 16, 2014View
1155VideoVaporman87I used to enjoy this game quite a bit on my 3DO (though not as much as Street Fighter II Turbo).Samurai Shodown IntroJun 23, 2014View
1158ArticleVaporman87Having 3 young kids, I can tell you firsthand that these new water guns can be so overly complicated it reaches frustration levels. Not to mention it seems like the manufacturers are going more for style and aesthetics than functionality and practicality. Why would you manufacture a water gun so massive it requires two hands, only to make the water reservoir a tiny clip that holds less liquid than a Capri Sun package? I don't get it. Still, there are some newer soakers out there that are advanced AND practical AND extremely cool. But I just don't see them ever being as good as those described here. Thanks Mike!Super Soaking Your VictimsJul 01, 2014View
1160ArticleVaporman87I need a few of those Laramis to wash my truck with. lolSuper Soaking Your VictimsJul 02, 2014View
1163ArticleVaporman87I have a feeling these babies will become collector's items. I can foresee another 10 or so years down the road, these being pretty expensive (especially still sealed in the package). Maybe I should buy some now? Super Soaking Your VictimsJul 03, 2014View
1165ArticleVaporman87Just don't use it on your parents. They may not think it was as funny as you. Super Soaking Your VictimsJul 07, 2014View
1166ArticleVaporman87Ah yes. Pee Wee Herman. Such a peculiar character, but fascinating to me as a kid. I really enjoyed Pee Wee's Big Adventure. And I REALLY wanted that bike. I also wanted to punch Francis in the face. And... I may or may not have had a bit of a crush on Dottie (it irked me greatly that Pee Wee kept avoiding her advances, lol). Then came the theater incident. I hated that whole thing. It ruined everything about Pee Wee for me. I couldn't get the same enjoyment from the movies or the television show after that, even if just for nostalgic reflection. He did do a very good job as the "second in command" vampire in Buffy The Vampire Slayer (the movie, not the stupid television show). But lots of time has passed, and I'd be willing to give Pee Wee another shot. Pee-wee's Big Adventure... and my Big ObsessionJul 08, 2014View
1168ArticleVaporman87Looks as though Laura Palmer's home is on the market: PeaksJul 08, 2014View
1170VideoVaporman87Maybe in this day and age that drink is too small to be medium, but back then it was pretty standard I think. Today we think mediums should be 32 ounces. LOL1986 Taco Bell AdJul 14, 2014View
1171ArticleVaporman87Ooooooh. Touching on some controversial subjects here. This should be interesting and fun. LOL Personally, I too was raised with quick and easy access to this same content at an early age. And, as you stated, I too believe I turned out alright. On the other hand, I also harbor a feeling of disappointment over it. Many times I have thought about what I was allowed to consume on television and in games, and I now wish such wasn't the case. Not everybody feels that way, and that's perfectly normal. But when you are being raised in a home claiming to be "Christian", it sends lots of mixed signals and creates a whole lot of confusion and inner turmoil. Now that I am raising my children in a home ALSO claiming to be "Christian", this same content will NOT be permitted. My kids will have their whole lives to learn to understand and live with the ugly side of society. And in my opinion, it has only gotten uglier with time. But during this most important time in their lives, when their minds, bodies, and souls are most vulnerable and susceptible to the influences of our culture, I will be performing the duties that I should be expected to perform. Protect, teach, and show my unconditional love. My kids are learning that there are certain things that we don't do, don't view, and don't say... and why. And I don't expect them to learn these things by simply hearing me say not to. They will see me and my wife as the living examples we should be. Unlike my own childhood. Of course, we are not perfect. But I hope I can be as close to a perfect example as possible. How My Dad Corrupted Me With ComedyJul 14, 2014View