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Displaying 3471-3480 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2390ArticleVaporman87LOL. There is certainly a fair amount of "retro" to be found in this photo. I can clearly see the beads and baseball card in your spokes. And the Micro Machines collection behind you is sweet! Add the painted paneling and yellowish oak dresser and you have a quintessential 80's backdrop. Love the attitude in this photo, as well as the style of dress. It's perfect. Jul 13, 2015View
2394Articlecomic_book_fanyour talk of not depriving yourself of fun despite what others might think is great i found out at an early age thats the way to be. it reminds me of a couple of years ago i was at my college waiting for my next class so while everyone else were killing time on there tablets or phones i busted out a sega gamegear and played sonic i got some looks but it was fun and it served it's purpose.Retro-graphic Evidence: Video Games are Cool!Jul 14, 2015View
2398ArticleVaporman87Agreed c_b_f. My friends and I didn't exactly take to what everyone else thought of as "fun". Ours involved going to each others homes and making terrible movies, audio recordings, or just generally horsing around outside... using our imaginations. Others would have thought we were childish and immature. I didn't care.Retro-graphic Evidence: Video Games are Cool!Jul 14, 2015View
2399ArticleoniparThanks for reading! I have to dig out some more old photos and try to keep this series going. Yeah, it's all about not letting others dictate how we live. Gamegear to pass the time is perfect! :-) Those looks you were getting: envy. :-)Retro-graphic Evidence: Video Games are Cool!Jul 14, 2015View
2373ArticleRick Ace RhodesIt seems to me that no one ever had that USS Flagg play set. Every article I have ever read regarding that thing has always had the article writer saying "I wish I had that as a kid."Yesterdays: Things I DIDN'T Have As A KidJul 10, 2015View
2376ArticlepikachuloverI never had Hit Stix either. I forgot about them for a while until I found an old tape from 1988 with a commercial for them on it. They bought up a lot of ad time. Now I can practically sing the jingle from memory. Then I remembered kids who had them took them to the local mall and played them on things in the mall like the railings and stuff. I wanted a rock tumbler and never got one. I also wanted a sewing machine and a small pottery wheel. Yesterdays: Things I DIDN'T Have As A KidJul 10, 2015View
2377Articleechidna64Ah one of my friends had the exact same chemistry set. I always wanted one. I believed that at age 7 I could become a mad scientist and create potions like Erkel Yesterdays: Things I DIDN'T Have As A KidJul 10, 2015View
2375ArticleVaporman87Ahhh... the USS Flagg. No kid I ever knew DIDN'T want that behemoth sitting in their room. I am certain I listed that one a few times on Christmas, but never got it. That and Metroplex (from Transformers). I did own a Lazer Tag set, and let me ease your conscience by saying it did not live up to the hype. The sensor/gun combo was not very accurate or effective. There would be times when you KNEW you aimed perfectly, but a hit would not register. Of course this was early on in the technology of "laser tag" gaming, so that's to be expected. I should also mention that in the Goldbergs episode where Adam gives up all his toys, his prized possession is, of course, the USS Flagg. Lucky Adam. Great read Mickey! All good stuff.Yesterdays: Things I DIDN'T Have As A KidJul 10, 2015View
2378ArticleVaporman87@echidna: LOL. I used to believe that one day I would create a robot companion... out of cardboard. Also, I was pretty certain I could fly for just a split second whenever I jumped off the couch.Yesterdays: Things I DIDN'T Have As A KidJul 10, 2015View
2380ArticleHoju KoolanderYou had good taste for a dreamer of toys. I actually owned the Laser Tag, Hit Stix and an old chemistry set, but as incomplete hand me downs.Yesterdays: Things I DIDN'T Have As A KidJul 11, 2015View