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Displaying 331-340 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1106ArticleVaporman87The Reading Rainbow Kickstarter campaign (for a web series of the show - is going nuts. Well over $2 million dollars now, with 30 days to go. That's over $1 million OVER the goal, with oodles of time remaining. Cool. May 30, 2014View
1107ArticleVaporman87It will be interesting to see where they pick up the story and how they move it forward. I am also looking forward to the JP Ranger Corps fan film (which just happens to be premiering here at RetroDaze in our Theater - whenever it's done, that is). It's a need idea for a spin-off. A Lost World BirthdayMay 30, 2014View
1108ArticleVaporman87I enjoyed reading about your time with toys. It reminded me quite a bit of the my own times spent playing, as I commented in Part 1. Then introducing a video camera into the mix reminded EVEN MORE of my own home movies, some using toys, some just me and family/friends. It's a really cool feeling to see the things you're imagining in your head come to life on screen, especially as a kid. Though, I was never satisfied with the end product like I thought I would be. So, instead of recollecting all your old toys and shooting new movies, do like I did. Buy an inexpensive video editing program, take your OLD movies, and "enhance" them to fit what you would have liked them to be when you originally filmed them. Check out the Home Movies category of the Video page here, and look for "Lost Few". That movie was filmed by me and friends in 1989 or 1990, somewhere around there. Then many, many years later, I reworked it to be what I wanted it to be. It was cool. Just an idea. ;)The Evolution of Fun - Part IIMay 31, 2014View
1109ArticleVaporman87Wow. This is the first I've heard of "K-dramas". That's a very unique thing to enjoy. The only Korean film I know of is Yonggary (which is, of course, a giant monster movie). I'm curious to know what movies you may have watched in the theater that summer. Any that you recall? When you mentioned "Gangsta's Paradise", all I could think of was Weird Al's "Amish Paradise". LOL Thanks for this pikachulover!The Summer of 1995Jun 02, 2014View
1115ArticleVaporman87YES! This story has made my day. What a great read. That had to be just an amazing feeling. And something that would stick with you... that if you always try your hardest, you can't lose... even when you do. Even to place 4th would have been a real challenge, especially for a short guy like myself (I was very close to being the shortest kid in school for a few years). So this is an inspiring story with an awesome ending. But I simply can't see how there is any bigger fan of Sonic than my 6 year old son at the moment. He is nuts for Sonic. I just purchased him a Nendoroid Sonic figure from China that has tons of accessories for changing faces, hands, etc. and he is flipping out that it's coming. LOL. Thanks echidna!!!The Best Day EverJun 03, 2014View
1117ArticleVaporman87I figured your moniker was referring to Knuckles. Speaking of whom, he appears to have beefed up for Sonic Boom. I was trying to recall my summer of '95. I can only recall the major things... Beginning my time in the workforce, living alone for the first time in my own apartment, and very large phone bills for my online use. I had met a girl from Washington (state) and was corresponding with her via AOL chat rooms. Eventually she came to Ohio for a week to visit, and in February of '96, I visited her. That, of course, led nowhere (as did a few other online hookups). But I met my wife online some years later, so I could say that was just practice for the real deal. LOLThe Best Day EverJun 03, 2014View
1120ArticleVaporman87Lots of great music in the series, but these are some standout songs. I recall watching an interview with the lady who did Jem's singing voice, and how much fun she had doing the over the top music. The Misfits: Top Five SongsJun 04, 2014View
1124ArticleVaporman87I will admit, I could not wait until you had finished this piece to read some of it, so I used my webmaster mojo to dig it up and read some of it while in draft form. LOL. Pardon my impatience. Such a great article. And a fun and poignant reflection of what summer was like in the vkimo house. From the bbq on the grill, to the chlorine filled pools... I can almost smell the memories. This cracked me up every time: "Ah yes, I remember this themed BBQ. Wear your girlfriend's shorts". I also never went to any summer camp. However, as I have previously mentioned elsewhere, I did attend two summers worth of college preparatory programs on the campus of OU. Those are summers I'll never forget. It was a taste of the freedom of college come years early. And I made friendships that, though they did not last, will be forever etched within my mind. Thanks for this vkimo! In The Summer TimeJun 06, 2014View
1130ArticleVaporman87Man. This is what I love about this site and others like it. That chance to peak into the pasts of others and experience the spirit and passion of those good times. This Suddenly Summer contest has truly brought out some of the most well written, passionate, and stirring reads yet. Benson feels like a place I could call home. With a small population (Rutland has around 400), a General Store (just as you described, the still functioning store that just scrapes by meeting the needs of the locals (and has since the 1870's), and the beauty of the water (I live just minutes from the Ohio River). Benson could be Rutland, and vice versa. Thank you so much for sharing this. Summer at the LakeJun 16, 2014View
1131ArticleVaporman87One of my favorite "steak" memories, now finally told in the elegant form of an article. Yes! I love this story, and have since you mentioned bits and pieces of it a year or more ago. Now though, I really feel like I know what you were experiencing during that trip and your first encounter with the digital world of video games. It's great to see your writing again my friend. You never disappoint!Galaga RisingJun 16, 2014View