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Displaying 321-330 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
662ArticleAceNThaHoleFett should have his own series, I would watch it! May 16, 2013View
608ArticleOldSchool80sThanks, glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I wish I had many of my former toys in the original unopened package, but I think it was worth it having all that fun playing with them back then. My favorite Boba Fett move was the nod after Leia dressed up like another bounty hunter negotiated with Jabba for Chewbacca.Boba Fett - My Favorite Action FigureMay 06, 2013View
610ArticleOldSchool80sYeah, it was kind of implied how badass Boba Fett was in the movies, but the prequel stuff has allowed them to explore that and explain how he got that reputation.Boba Fett - My Favorite Action FigureMay 06, 2013View
618ArticleOldSchool80sThanks, raptor. Glad you enjoyed it!Boba Fett - My Favorite Action FigureMay 08, 2013View
611ArticleVaporman87I really enjoyed the image of your growing collection of figures from your past. Most of my figures were doomed to a similar fate as yours, with parents selling them off in yard sales (with, regrettably, my approval) or simply lost or tossed. It seems that, despite your not growing up in the decade you really wanted to do so in, you were able to capture a bit of it with the hand-me-down toys of the 80's. That's a good start. :) Great read vkimo! Thanks for this.Masters of the Toybox May 06, 2013View
614ArticleVaporman87Awesome finds! I'm not often at yard sales or thrift stores, but when I have been I've never been lucky enough to come across such treasures. Masters of the Toybox May 06, 2013View
621ArticleVaporman87Now days I when I purchase "collectible" figures I makes sure to buy one to keep in the box, one to open, and one to sell later on. Sometimes this isn't possible because of costs, but it's what I try to do normally.Masters of the Toybox May 08, 2013View
617ArticleraptorNice collection of figs you have vkimo. About everything I still have is in boxes because Im too lazy to dust around figures or take them off and dust. This was all fun to read and I enjoyed your recollection of toy memories man. Masters of the Toybox May 07, 2013View
630ArticleAceNThaHoleWe use to do some crazy stories with our figures. Stuff you wouldnt see in the cartoons for sure. Also nice collection!Masters of the Toybox May 10, 2013View
794ArticleSegaFanaticJust discovered this. Glad you're writing articles again! Great read!Masters of the Toybox Sep 12, 2013View