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Displaying 311-320 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4107ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan Like I said, even I missed most of the merchandise as I recently found out. So no surprise you didn't catch sight of it either. @MrMagic Say what you will about the movie, the pinball machine is tons of fun. Where did you see it? Sep 06, 2017View
1378Articlepikachulover@NLogan Me too I wish I could go all out. If I lived in a house. Nobody seems to come to my apartment, and there are a lot of children that live around my neighborhood. Flannel CornucopiaOct 05, 2014View
1691ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan Mmmm, chocolate oranges were a treat. I think those nutcrackers were pretty widely purchased from the 40s-80s, but it seems like a tradition that may have already faded away for our generation. I'll have to keep count this year on how many I see in friend's homes.Stocking StuffersDec 18, 2014View
1619ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan Seriously, amazing photo analysis skills. Do you work for a secret retro-toy wing of the FBI?Holi-Daze: Toys UnwrappedDec 11, 2014View
2787ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan T-800 and Bone Age almost made an appearance in the list, but it sounds like you have an article yourself to write ;) Great to hear from you again, man!5 Coolest Retro Skeleton Action FiguresOct 07, 2015View
1357ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan That is an awesome story. I assume the clerk was being a punk to your Dad? If not, I feel bad for the kid that was just reporting what the computer said. Either way he learned a lesson in "common sense" that day.Timewarp: Blockbuster Video 1996Oct 02, 2014View
3190ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan The Gremlins tree was totally in the running, but didn't quite fit the "spreading holiday cheer" vibe I was going for. Totally could have put Corey wearing his costume in there though. Nice one! @MissM, I hope you have fun catching up. I have been enjoying your podcasting appearances.5 Most Iconic Movie Christmas TreesDec 12, 2015View
4084Articlepikachulover@NLogan Those flocked bears were pretty popular. My mom had a birthday pin with a flocked bear holding some pom pom balloons and wearing a tiny party hat. I think I do all of my high school art class pictures are in my storage space. I threw out some pictures when I moved in 2008. But I kept some like my Conan O'Brien caricature. @Vapor I think I used to play that he would go meet Pokemon characters at the mall. I had this mall kiosk thing that I got from a dollar store that said it fit Barbie size dolls, but it was too short and could fit 5-8 inch figures better. He would go with his family to meet Misty and some other Pokemon. He went on lots of adventures he would hang out on the island on top of Ariel's grotto playset. Baby Mookey Aug 27, 2017View
2962ArticleDirtyD79@NLogan When I first looked at the picture in your comment I first noticed what I thought was Jesus' face. I remember hearing a theory similar to what you mentioned. Someone was mentioning on this one site how kids usually notice the arrow in between the "E" and the "X" in the FEDEX logo before adults do.Searching for a Real Haunted HouseOct 16, 2015View
1432ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan Wow, that is an impressive and costly collection. You may be the only person who bought Hulk 180 and 181 for The Wendigo appearance, LOL. @Vaporman I wanna see those catfish, freaky! By the way, I called my Dad last night to confirm the first story about the haunted house, he said it was 100% true. Apparently the people that did buy it years later totally remodeled it to eliminate any connection to the deceased owners and possible haunting...crazy.Scary Stories from the SchoolyardOct 14, 2014View