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Displaying 3101-3110 of 5276 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5324ArticleRetroOtaku620If you're looking at this on mobile, highlights the whole thing to read it. Nov 09, 2020View
5336ArticleVaporman87Fixed it with green text. Agent Pixel: Forgotten Hero and Lost Nicktoon of the WebNov 11, 2020View
5337Articleechidna64Looking better dude!Agent Pixel: Forgotten Hero and Lost Nicktoon of the WebNov 12, 2020View
5338ArticleRetroOtaku620Kudos to Vaporman87 for fixing my article. Thanks, dude! I owe you one!Agent Pixel: Forgotten Hero and Lost Nicktoon of the WebNov 12, 2020View
5416ArticleRetroOtaku620I made a mistake in calling one of the characters by the wrong name. Pixel's canine sidekick is named Byte, but I thought his name was Rex.Agent Pixel: Forgotten Hero and Lost Nicktoon of the WebMay 02, 2021View
327VideoVaporman87It's funny that you should post this now. Last night my wife, oldest son, and I watched Wreck-It Ralph and I cracked up at the part where he digs a "!" out of the box in Tapper's bar. Funny stuff.Early Metal Gear Solid TrailerFeb 14, 2013View
328VideoBenjanimei got a kick out of that part!Early Metal Gear Solid TrailerFeb 15, 2013View
2721ArticleVaporman87Apparently word spread pretty quickly that yours was the house to hit for the really good score. LOL I always knew which houses in my neighborhood would be the ones that really gave "the good stuff". Those places that spared no expense and gave you the full size candy bar, or the pre-made baggies full of various goodies. I also knew which places would skimp, or give you something truly lame. I would usually stop at those places anyway, just to pad the stats and make the whole trip "complete". It always equaled out in the end, and I was typically left with candy I never got around to eating for fear of making myself sick with it. We Got the Good StuffSep 29, 2015View
2722ArticlepikachuloverThat neighborhood I lived in didn't really give out good candy. My family has a rule that the candy we give away we have to like in case we get stuck with it. My house wasn't even giving out full size bars just the fun size ones. We Got the Good StuffSep 29, 2015View
2723ArticleoniparHA, once people know you've got the good stuff, they tell their friends! :-) Great story. I liked hearing about the different costumes too. We Got the Good StuffSep 29, 2015View