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Displaying 301-310 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
342VideoBenjanimeeh... yeah i suppose that mgs2 did leave an odd taste in everyone's mouth. a lot of fans including myself didn't feel comfortable in playing as the new guy, raiden. as for the vampire, would you believe me if i said that he's actually a lover of revolver ocelot? i kid you not. but aside from that, snake eater was pretty fun and added a neat new concept of survival Feb 15, 2013View
343VideoVaporman87Benjanime - "...he's actually a lover of Revolver Ocelot?" Good Heavens. I'm so glad I quit buying MGS games after Snake Eater. lolSnatcher Intro SequenceFeb 15, 2013View
344ArticleZeldaQueenDon't hate on TMNT...they were the sh@t next to power rangers! And saved by the bell wasn't bad either!Overrated shows from my childhoodFeb 15, 2013View
345Videoblueluigi"Pop, do you realize it's more dangerous driving on the freeway than it is on an airplane?" Said no one after 9/11.Sanford and Son - SuperflyerFeb 17, 2013View
346ArticleProphetSwordI'd heard of this game in passing, but never really experienced it. It was interesting reading about it. I checked it out just for historical purposes. Even though I didn't enjoy it in this modern environment, I saw where I might have liked it back when it was new (in fact, I probably would have played the hell out of it). But things have changed too much to enjoy it now (at least for me). Good job.Meridian 59 RememberedFeb 18, 2013View
347ArticleVaporman87Having graduated in '92, I was never too familiar with trends like these during these years. I was entering the working world and had a lot going on. It is interesting to be given an inside look at what was stylish in those years following the end of my high school days. Thanks for this!1995 & 1996 Fashion Trends (90's Girl Fashion) Feb 18, 2013View
348VideoMr MagicI dig how they used the Clockwork Orange theme as their theme song.Conker's Bad Fur Day OpeningFeb 18, 2013View
349VideoVaporman87I will never forget the poop throwing monster. Or the "gassy" cows.Conker's Bad Fur Day OpeningFeb 18, 2013View
350ArticlevkimoAlways refreshing for a female "retro"spective article!1995 & 1996 Fashion Trends (90's Girl Fashion) Feb 18, 2013View
352ArticleVaporman87Such a great list! I think you have done a remarkable job capturing the whole range of styles of classic 80's vehicles. I love that you inlcuded the burnt up station wagon from "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" and Lane Myer's Camaro. I would only add 3 to this list, probably only as honorable mentions; "Rubber Duck's" Mack from "Convoy", the ghostly diesel truck from "Duel", and the tank from... well... "Tank". Thank so much Old School for presenting this list to us. Such a great read! And for those who have not already, I recommend you stop by his blog as linked to in the article. There is SO much good retro stuff there to chew on!Top 30 Cars & Trucks from 80s Movies & TVFeb 18, 2013View