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Displaying 291-300 of 5269 results.
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5443Articleechidna64There were a couple "corner stores" in the town I grew up in Putnam County, New York. One in particular was a local pharmacy that also had a VHS rental area. Some carried collectible card games like Pokemon and Magic:The Gathering Cards .  Jun 21, 2021View
5452ArticleoniparOh yeah! I forgot to mention the trading cards like Batman. I used to buy those there a lot. The Corner StoreJun 27, 2021View
5441Articleonipar@vkimo: NEPA, Pocono Mountain region. Yeah, where I moved to is much more sprawled out with nothing super "local" for kids. Not like running across the street in Brooklyn. :-p @Benjanime, Oof that stinks, sorry to hear it. The Corner StoreJun 10, 2021View
5436ArticleoniparI hear ya. Once I moved the PA, I didn't really have the "Corner Store" experience any more. Town was close to five miles away, which we did attempt on our bikes now and then, but it was a bit of a ride. And there was this tiny shop much closer, but it was on a "couples resort" that we were technically not allowed to patronize...though we did on occasion. Fun fact, those pictures on the Milk Inn were from moving day in 1993 (from Brooklyn to PA). That department store sounds amazing though! I kinda missed out on the more "old timey" sorts of stores like that. The Corner StoreJun 09, 2021View
5442ArticlevkimoThat's cool! I live in BethlehemThe Corner StoreJun 17, 2021View
5438ArticlevkimoWhere in PA do you live? I moved here from California and there's not really any corner stores. Back in Cali we had one right up the street called Frank's - It was always a treat making the 2 block journey to it and scoring some candy.The Corner StoreJun 09, 2021View
5439ArticleBenjanimethere's a couple of stores like those in chesapeake, virginia but boy howdy is that area of virginia ever a craphole. i've heard since the past couple of decades that many stores had to get closed down due to robberies.The Corner StoreJun 10, 2021View
5435ArticleVaporman87I wish I could say I had a "corner store" nearby growing up. But I did not. I lived at the top of a hill on a dead-end road. The only thing nearby was the skating rink. But after college and a few years of working in the family business, I moved to Rutland and here we had a real, functioning department store. It carried about anything you could want... groceries, tools, had a deli... it was pretty great. It had been open for more than 100 years when it finally closed (thanks to slowing sales and the appearance of not one, but two new dollar stores... Dollar General and Family Dollar). I won't forget that old-timey feel of the interior of the store. I had heard tales of people 40 or 50 years ago bringing in their grocery lists, and clerks going around picking out the items listed for the customer. There was at one time a bank in the store, and the old vault remained there (becoming a little back office of sorts). And hey... it's where I first found Dutch and Hamato, so... there's that. LOL <p><img alt="" height="261" src="" width="400" /></p>The Corner StoreJun 08, 2021View
5427ArticleJulieI remember reading about the GBA on some gaming magazines of the time, saying it has a 32-bit central processor. I was afraid it would substitute the PlayStation for having the same processing power but it didn't show that power with the time and more releasing titles. Even the Silent Hill was just a novel for reading (of course the GBA has much more power than that). But then I was glad to have a handheld more powerful than the Super Nintendo (just with a lower resolution) and all portable! And it has some really great games. Amazingly charismatic article as always. Well written and deliciously nostalgic. ❤The Game Boy Advance LaunchMay 24, 2021View
5430ArticleoniparI actually never purchased or owned one, but I am discovering tons of GBA games right now on an emulation handheld. Some great stuff they made for the system. The Game Boy Advance LaunchJun 04, 2021View