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Displaying 291-300 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5430ArticleoniparI actually never purchased or owned one, but I am discovering tons of GBA games right now on an emulation handheld. Some great stuff they made for the system.  Jun 04, 2021View
5428ArticleBenjanime@Julie thank you always for your support, my wondrous love ❤The Game Boy Advance LaunchMay 24, 2021View
5431ArticleMr MagicMy parents gave me an SP for Christmas in 2004. I had old-school games like Castlevania, Donkey Kong and a Namco collection. I also had Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and a couple of Pokemon games.The Game Boy Advance LaunchJun 04, 2021View
5580ArticleoniparWow, some interesting picks! Yeah, I never saw either of these. Might have to pop them on my list for next year. TDitH's Non-traditional Christmas Movies 2: Going JapaneseJan 15, 2022View
5561ArticleBenjanimei think in my opinion the only two good gundam shows on toonami were g-gundam and gundam wing, not too much filler like gundam seed. at least coming from memory, that's how they were to me, i might have to watch them again.TDitH's Non-traditional Christmas Movies 2: Going JapaneseDec 06, 2021View
5429ArticleThatDudeintheHoodieI had fun with the new one, but yeah, evolving them was fun. But at the same time I can see why they didn't add it back. Some of the ways to evolve can be seen as abuse. Pokemania: Pokemon SnapMay 26, 2021View
5426ArticleBenjanimeeh, i played the new one and it was just okay. one thing i loved about the original was how you could get certain pok'emon to evolve in interesting ways, and uncover hidden images. i'm glad i was able to buy it again on my wii u :)Pokemania: Pokemon SnapMay 24, 2021View
5621ArticleoniparAs a society, we always seem to be looking backward as much as we look forward. I can't complain. It's important to remember what has come before. I'm with Vapor on this one: I love when these things spill into the physical. I still have my retro BK cup from the Stranger Things release a couple summers back. And the rerelease of New Coke. That's all fun stuff. What's Old is New Again:Retro Branding ComebacksMar 24, 2022View
5600ArticleMr MagicWWE used their classic logo a number of times. Mostly when they were doing old-school-themed shows.'s Old is New Again:Retro Branding ComebacksFeb 08, 2022View
5598ArticleVaporman87Agreed. Though I think it is one thing to use old branding in advertisements and such. It is something else entirely to incorporate those old aesthetics into the business model and see it extend to physical items and locations. THAT is what I'm waiting for.What's Old is New Again:Retro Branding ComebacksFeb 08, 2022View