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Displaying 281-290 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
893ArticleVaporman87I know Chick-Fil-A did a Berenstain Bears book promotion in their kids meals not long ago. They were essentially shrunken versions of actual BB books on the market. Very neat. I think instead of toys with meals, Taco Bell should include some Zantac and a portable potty. Dec 09, 2013View
894ArticleVaporman87I hate to be a downer, but I was not much of a fan of the second Gremlins film. It felt TOO campy for my tastes. Almost like one of those Disney "sequels" to their top line properties that go straight to home video release. Still, it had it's moments. I bet it was hard to bring yourself to crack open that package containing a mini "time capsule" of sorts. It's like your cracking open a bottle of the 80's that kind of hits you in the face for a second and then disappears. You ended up with some nice additions though. Thanks for sharing Miss M! Trading After MidnightDec 09, 2013View
895ArticleThe Trash ManEven without the birthday wishes [thank you, Miss M..!], I would've loved this post a million times. Gremlins 2 is one of my absolute favorite movies and I have such fond memories of opening pack after pack of the trading cards, too! A truly wonderful look at a fantastically absurd film. Plus, shout-outs to Christopher Lee, John Glover and the late, great Robert Prosky? The only thing missing is some Murray Futterman [Dick Miller FTW] love. Great post!Trading After MidnightDec 10, 2013View
896ArticleMissMVaporman- Yeah, the movie was a bit campy. But since I love soaps, a bit of camp is like second nature to me. lol I was very very nervous about opening the cards. Once they are opened there is no going back, ya know? lol Just super scary. lol Trash Man- I never had the trading cards to this movie. I had the movie tie-in books and things like that, but I love love love these trading cards. And there was so much I wanted to mention, like Murray Futterman, but I didn't because I could have spent many more words about the characters and everything. I tried to reserve it to just the cards. lol There's always next time!Trading After MidnightDec 12, 2013View
897ArticleVaporman87WOW! This is a really well done article, and it's obvious you spent a great deal of time putting it together. So thank you for that vkimo. One thing I picked up on right away is that, although our Christmas experiences were so different growing up, the spirit of it and the magic feeling of the season can be felt regardless. Having grown up and lived my entire life in an ultra small community, I can't relate to the splendor and awe of a place like San Fran during Christmas. Even so, I recognize that feeling from my own memories. It's something that transcends your environment and circumstances. I laughed at the insertion of Rain Man and the generic fat guy as stand ins for your relatives. LOL. Hilarious. Thanks for this vkimo. A great read! A Yuletide Yakking Dec 12, 2013View
898ArticleBenjanimevkimo, why are all of your articles masterpieces?A Yuletide Yakking Dec 12, 2013View
900ArticleVaporman87This special is very well done. I had not seen it at all until only within the past few years. I was instantly captivated by it. With He-Man and She-Ra no longer part of our toy culture (on a large scale), this is one you won't see played on a major network like the Peanuts or Rankin Bass specials. But it's every bit as good, if not better. I highly recommend it. Thanks Miss M!He-Man and She-Ra Celebrate Christmas too!Dec 13, 2013View
901ArticleFulton4VI loved FAO Schwartz growing up, it was such an awesome store and I have alot of memories from there. I grew up outside a city and would have my parents take me into the city sometimes to see the lights and stuff. It was funA Yuletide Yakking Dec 13, 2013View
903ArticlevkimoGlad you guys are enjoying this! A Yuletide Yakking Dec 13, 2013View
905ArticleBenjanimei just saw the special edition dvd set at my local gamestore for the reasonable price of $14! i'll have to pick it up before i leave to go see my family. nice history!He-Man and She-Ra Celebrate Christmas too!Dec 14, 2013View