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Displaying 281-290 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5463ArticleBenjanimei'm guessing with it just disappearing without a home video release that this was the case of the network having someone new in charge of management and slowly making that transition where they felt pok'emon and other anime needed to make their way into programming. sad to see ambitious projects like this fade away into obscurity, i'm sure it would have gotten more interesting by its second season. Aug 07, 2021View
5524ArticleoniparI miss the days of television Halloween countdowns and marathons. I know a few channels still do it, but I don't have cable anymore. And even if I did, to a certain extent, I feel like extensive home libraries of movies and streaming sort of ruined the whole thing for me. Knowing I can pop in the movies I want to watch whenever I want to watch them, I'm unlikely to try and tune in to live broadcasts. We definitely miss something without it though.A Closer Look At: The 13 Days of HalloweenOct 16, 2021View
5514ArticleBenjanimeeven with abc family's dopey modern namechange i still think it was a good idea to have it start earlier. granted i don't really watch TV all that much anymore in general, but i will say that if i grow tired of seeing repeats that i'll just put in one of the movies i own instead.A Closer Look At: The 13 Days of HalloweenOct 03, 2021View
5445Articleechidna64Spongebob Squarepants and Gameboy Advance were two highlights of the early 2000's. Also, PC gaming hit its peak as well. The MAGICAL YEAR that was 2004...Jun 23, 2021View
5444ArticleBenjanimeyu-gi-oh was kind of a mixed bag for me. maybe it was because i was in the era of the pok'emon card game getting pulled from being allowed in schools and i just lost interest in playing card games altogether, but i tried getting into that game when it was still fresh on the air waves and it's honestly just not for me. that and i got out of collecting cards in general at that time as well, i was getting more into video games at the time.The MAGICAL YEAR that was 2004...Jun 22, 2021View
5448ArticleJulieFirst, my congrats on the always very well written article full of charisma. ❤ Doug achieved relative success, Rugrats was a cute colossus and I've only seen The Ren & Stimpy in a few 16-bit games back then. I also noticed the always great moral lessons in Doug's episodes and enjoyed the series. I didn't even know there was a sequel from Disney (which has only destroyed franchises lately thanks to the destructive woke culture). It's now a memory of a cartoon that was pleasant to watch, a good memory of the 90s.Doug and his fall from graceJun 26, 2021View
5451ArticleoniparLoved Hey Arnold too! Doug and his fall from graceJun 27, 2021View
5447ArticleoniparWell, heck, that's pretty sad. I used to always watch Doug on Nick, but I guess by time the second series came out, I was a little too old to care. I feel like a vaguely remember the movie coming out, but again, I didn't see it. I did recently revisit some of the original Doug episodes, and they seem to hold up pretty well for me. Doug and his fall from graceJun 26, 2021View
5449ArticleBenjanime@Mr Magic I'll take a few! @onipar yeah i don't think i even finished watching the whole disney series when i was little, hey arnold was starting to become popular too, so that might have been the reason. @Julie thankfully i now have the nick series on dvd for us both to watch, my love ❤ thank you always for your support in reading my articles ^^Doug and his fall from graceJun 26, 2021View
5446ArticleMr MagicAnyone for a Honker Burger?Doug and his fall from graceJun 26, 2021View