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IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2646ArticleoniparVkimo, yeah, I figure it's always worth a glance. At the very least I might find some old horror for a quarter. :-) Sep 14, 2015View
2645ArticlekidcoffeeAt night a child's imagination can become a very dark place where even innocent muppets can become monsters hell bent on our gruesome demise...or at least this is what I keep telling myself. To this day I don't understand quite why my brain latched onto Waldorf and Statler in particular as opposed to Alf, Bert and Ernie,or any number of other much more horrifying creatures, but it did. Throw in a bit of the old ultra violence and my fate was sealed. I would say I am ashamed, but seeing as I did just out myself in an article I know that won't fly.Muppet MayhemSep 14, 2015View
2644ArticleVaporman87You know, when I first read this I thought, "C'mon... seriously?" Then I remembered that I once had an irrational fear of Bert and Ernie. But the thing was, it was only at night... in bed. During the day, I could watch them on Sesame Street and not give it a second thought. But at night they bothered me for whatever reason. If I would think about them, I would have a hard time getting to sleep. Then I would, occasionally, see one or both of them in my dreams, and though they weren't physically assaulting me or threatening me, I wanted away from them. So weird!!!Muppet MayhemSep 14, 2015View
2643ArticleVaporman87I know for a fact that my sister and I had created Shrinky Dinks a couple of times in our youth (with help from mom), but I recall thinking that, although cool, they weren't that practical. I think the novelty of it wore off quickly with me, and I never really asked for any more after that.Shrinky DinksSep 13, 2015View
2642ArticlevkimoWow, thanks for showing the WNUF Special, I will definitely watch that. I go to garage sales regularly and always skip the VHS tapes, but after reading this I will take a second look.VHS Television Treasure HuntSep 13, 2015View
2641ArticleVaporman87Yeah, that was the difficulty of being a fan of shows not yet in syndication. I do think that some channels would show multiple episodes of the show from past seasons. Like maybe the earlier seasons were entered into syndication, while the first run shows airing. Still, the Brady's were great. Like you said, the saccharine nature of the show made you feel good inside, even when they were having issues. Kind of like the shows from the 50's and early 60's, everyone happy with their roles in life, never anything too stressful going on. People are always friendly, if not a bit nosy. Mayberryesque, if you will. Growing Up BradySep 13, 2015View
2640ArticlekidcoffeeI almost forgot about Family Ties. For shame, but even still it was always about the Bradys for me. I think that may have to do more with the Bradys overly saccharine sweet approach to life whereas Family Ties was far more realistic with their approach. This made for a much better show, but my younger self desperate to escape reality would cling to the Brady Bunch for dear life. Also already being in syndication meant I could visit with the Brady kids far more often which to me was everything. Not that I didn't love my once a week visits with the Keatons, but they were so few and far between. Just when I felt myself warming up to the likes of Alex and Mallory I found myself ripped away forced once again to wait impatiently to find out what happened next.Growing Up BradySep 11, 2015View
2639VideoVaporman87This is hilarious! It's like a hair metal version of Hanson. LOLBad 4 Good EPK and Nineteen Music VideoSep 11, 2015View
2638ArticleoniparAh, sweet! I really appreciate that!VHS Television Treasure HuntSep 11, 2015View
2637ArticlemickyarberI have boxes and boxes full of vhs that I recorded in the 80's and 90's. I'll look through them sometime soon and see what I have that you may be interested in.VHS Television Treasure HuntSep 11, 2015View