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Displaying 261-270 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5570ArticleRetroOtaku620I actually have the complete series on DVD. Wish I had the Halloween special on videotape, though. Dec 14, 2021View
5515ArticleBenjanimei actually didn't catch much of this show on TV airings, but i did watch various VHS tapes from my school classroom around 1996-1997, in total i think we all watched at least three of them throughout the school year, and it was the only time we saw them. i highly doubt we'll ever get a show like this ever again for a modern generation, though i don't count the netflix follow up.Edutainment Station: The Magic School BusOct 03, 2021View
5467Articletwcfan92There's a toy that I've spent the last few years looking for with no leads. Which isn't too surprising considering that I only remember a few details. I got it for Christmas from my mom in 1989. It was my favorite present that year, and I remember taking it with me when we went to my grandparent's house later to celebrate Christmas with them. Anyway, whatever it was was in a grey box that looked like a briefcase. It had a white, plastic handle. What was inside? I have no idea! I believe it had something to do with cars, but that's just a good guess. I've done several Google searches. I also purchased and reviewed the Sears, JCPenney, Service Merchandise, and Radio Shack Christmas catalogs from that year. Nothing! At least nothing that made me think "that COULD be it." So it probably came from a local store that went out of business years ago. Damn. I did, however, find all of the Micro Machine light-up buildings and cars we got that year, but those were fairly easy to find.The Things We've LostAug 09, 2021View
5469Articleechidna64Great idea for an article and that is an awesome picture of you as a 90's kid. The Things We've LostAug 09, 2021View
5470ArticleoniparThanks, echidna64! I've used that pic a couple times now, but I'm always finding something new in it I want to talk about. Like those cases of Micro Machines behind me. I still have those! I need to write about that one day too. The Things We've LostAug 11, 2021View
5468Articleonipar@TWCFAN92 Ah, that's the hardest thing, when our own memories betray us. Your search sounds a lot like things I've done in the past to find lost things. I'll probably write an article about my search for a letter I wrote to a comic book in the 90s. The grey box thing sounds so familiar to me too. I'm going to think on it a while. It does feel like it could be a car type toy. Like maybe a little track with cars inside. The Things We've LostAug 09, 2021View
5464Articleonipar@ Ben, Thanks! It's funny because it sounds like you and your brother had a similar age gap as me and mine. In 1994 I was 14, and Mike would have been 11. I vaguely remembering him enjoying the game, but maybe being a little impatient with it. The Things We've LostAug 07, 2021View
5460Articleonipar@Vaporman, ah lost footage/pictures are always an incredible find. When you finally get to see the contents of those tapes, it will be a glorious day! I recently had a roll of film developed that I'd had since college, but the film was all but destroyed unfortunately. I have another story that fits into this category pretty well...maybe a future article. The Things We've LostAug 07, 2021View
5461ArticleBenjanimei feel like the omega virus was a board game that my older brother would have liked, in his early teens he was in this phase of buying action figures of robots and aliens among having posters in his room of them as well. i'm sure if i wasn't fueled by sugar candy back then i would have joined in with playing anyway. interesting to see some other obscure oddities here as well, i would have loved the spinjas! great article!The Things We've LostAug 07, 2021View
5466ArticleVaporman87Ahh man… that sucks about the college film. Who knows what might have been on it. More games to identify? The Things We've LostAug 09, 2021View