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Displaying 261-270 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5580ArticleoniparWow, some interesting picks! Yeah, I never saw either of these. Might have to pop them on my list for next year.  Jan 15, 2022View
4172ArticlevkimoWow, she's 71? Looking gooood hahaMy Trip to Wizard World Chicago 2017Oct 09, 2017View
4281ArticleHoju KoolanderWow, questions I never considered. I am 100% sure Jessie and family lived in the attic though. Whenever they were exiting a scene to go to their room, I recall that they were always walking upstairs. Thanks for the tip on Danny's wife's name, now I feel like I can score extra points in a Full House trivia contest. On a side note, I just picked up a cassette album of Tommy Page, the pop star who sang to Stephanie on her birthday in one episode. It's got some pretty solid early 90s tunes on it.My Five Favorite Full House Plot HolesFeb 13, 2018View
4905ArticlevkimoWow, nice connection on the Beverly Hills Cop aspect! I saw fragments of this film over the years, but never one complete sitting. Not sure if I can as Shelley Long's character, Dianne in Cheers gets on my nerves haha10 Best Cameos In Troop Beverly HillsApr 12, 2019View
4352ArticleHoju KoolanderWow, just the kind of garbage I love and have been tracking down on Amazon Prime Video lately. But these are like Z-Grade cheese. I wanna know more about Diddy Bop and Killzone in Robowar. That one looks like a lot of fun.Mockbusters: 6 Retro Movie Ripoffs!Apr 11, 2018View
4432ArticleSupermanWow, it's too bad you didn't have more fun.Geriatric VegasJun 15, 2018View
2968ArticlevkimoWow, I've never seen Revenge of the Nerds but just looked it up. Would have picked a different character had I known that!Fright Night - A Retro NarrativeOct 16, 2015View
5484ArticleoniparWow, I've never heard of any of these, except maybe the Star Road one. I used to suck at video games and never really got very far in most. I can count on one hand the ones I actually beat, and a couple were only because of the Konami Code. I'd beat Lifeforce a lot, but again, only because of the code. All of my memories of special stuff were the well known things like warp zones in Mario games.Rewarding Moments in GamingAug 28, 2021View
3636ArticleHoju KoolanderWow, I was not expecting that heartfelt turn. What a great Grandpa, though I'm sorry you never got to build the Snowman both him. Wish I had been that close with any of my Grandparents, what a special bond to have and to be able to be reminded of him every time you see a Snowman as the years go on.The First Snowman I Ever BuiltDec 26, 2016View
3675ArticlevkimoWow, I was having serious Deja Vu until I read Vapors comment. Great article then...great article now!The Video Store ClerkJan 08, 2017View