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Displaying 2601-2610 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2451ArticleVaporman87I was always a Bases Loaded guy. That game gave me and my friends so many hours of competitive fun. But when Baseball Stars came out, I have to say it did steal some of Bases Loaded's thunder. I loved creating my own teams and players(I can even tell you the one I used the most, Grate's Gung-Hos). I loved earning money and making the team and players better. If there was one thing I REALLY wished Jaleco would have done with Bases Loaded 2, it would have been adding the creative aspects of Baseball Stars in. Great trip down Memory Lane OldSchool! Aug 03, 2015View
4659ArticleHoju KoolanderI was always a sucker for the Spider-Man balloon, but that Masters of the Universe float is Pinnacle of of the art form I you ask me.TDitH's Favorite Macy's Thanksgiving Parade FloatsNov 04, 2018View
926ArticleFulton4VI was always afraid of santa because he would not bring me the presents I asked for if I was not good that year. It made me nervous to talk to him when we saw him. Ha!The Many Forms of SantaDec 19, 2013View
2085ArticlepikachuloverI was always copying something from Kimberly's outfits from Power Rangers. She was the stylish one. Apathetic ChorusMar 17, 2015View
1219ArticleVaporman87I was always disappointed by the fact that I could never recreate the image on the front of Halloween Makeup/Costume packaging. You would think by a certain age, you would come to the realization that no product is EVER faithfully recreated from the packaging or promotional image (fast food... I'm looking at you). But no. We keep believing, and failing. LOL This year, with my family going as Scooby-Doo and the gang, I've found that I don't WANT to recreate the all-in-one promo/package look. They're dreadful and cheap looking. My wife is gathering our costumes one piece at a time through various outlets (with the exception of Scooby). Saloon GirlSep 10, 2014View
4131ArticleHoju KoolanderI was always jealous of kids who could draw in that anime/cartoon style, so you would have definitely made "The List"! But seriously, I feel you on the doodling issue, I know for a fact that's why I was a C student from about 6th grade on. Learning? Just let me draw, teach!Lars Dakota: The lost original characterSep 14, 2017View
3795ArticleOldSchool80sI was always more of a Marvel guy than DC, but I was partial to team-ups. Liked Avengers and JLA, but any issue with a crossover or another character making appearance was always cool. Loved stuff like Secret Wars, Contest of Champions, etc. Those favorites from childhood are still ones I remain loyal/partial to after all of these years. They will always hold a special place for me.The Beginning of My Comic Fandom Mar 23, 2017View
1175ArticleFulton4VI was always watching that show. My parents would watch it along with me and we would really get into it. Mark Summers is the best host.I Double Dare You to Be Physically ActiveJul 21, 2014View
4341ArticlepikachuloverI was another kid who didn't like school pizza. When I first saw it on my tray I was like "What is this?" I thought I was going to get a slice like from a round pizza. I tasted horrible. I tried it once in Kindergarten and never again. I never understood why the kids at school went so crazy for that pizza. We also had the variation "French Bread Pizza" too. It was just a long roll with some melted cheese and some meat on top of it. The school lunches I liked to eat were; hamburgers, rib sandwiches (school's knockoff mcrib), chicken sandwich, chicken nuggets, baked chicken, baked turkey, teriyaki chicken and sometimes spaghetti. I don't like a bunch of weird stuff in my deviled eggs. Only egg, mayonnaise and salt. Tales of a Picky EaterMar 31, 2018View
1418ArticleFulton4VI was at Knotts one time while visiting my aunt, uncle and cousins and they took us there. It was a very nice park and I wish I could have been there for the scary farm festival. Nice article.Haunting MemoriesOct 10, 2014View