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Displaying 251-260 of 5258 results.
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852ArticleVaporman87I just now noticed in the first Golden Girl commercial that they show some of the male figures right at the end. They actually look kind of cool, from what I could tell. Nov 08, 2013View
855ArticleVaporman87Wow. Nice collection Miss M! I don't know why, but I was surprised by the amount of creativity that Lego put into these figures of the past. I associate all the little creative touches and added flourishes with today's Lego figures. I don't know why I didn't realize how far back Lego has actually been playing around with the original design of the minifigs, and coming up with new and different ways to play around with the concept. Out of the bunch, I would say the pirate takes the cake... at least in terms of uniqueness. Great list Miss M! Thanks for this.Miss M’s Top 10 Lego Minifigures!Nov 13, 2013View
859ArticleVaporman87Just reading about your experiences with Children's Palace makes me wish there had been one here in our area during my youth. The closest thing we had for the longest time was Kay-Bee Toys in the mall. Toys 'R Us didn't come around until later for us. I can only imagine the grief I would have given my parents to take me to a Children's Palace. The long commercial segment was awesome. There were several toys in there that I have no memory of ever seeing. Things like the Motor Mouth board game, and the Tiger piano game... great stuff. I really could have done without the curly haired "comedian/rapper" guy though. LOL Great fun Miss M. Thanks for this.Children's Palace Was RealNov 16, 2013View
860ArticleVaporman87I don't remember ever being that big on the minifigures. I think my time spent with Legos was focused on trying to figure out new ways to build whatever it was I wanted to build. Doing it with just the standard blocks was a challenge for a kid, but I like giving it a shot.Miss M’s Top 10 Lego Minifigures!Nov 16, 2013View
864ArticleVaporman87LOL. That was funny. "I think I'm going to throw up." I have those Toy Biz figures of Jill and Chris (and some others) still in sealed on the card. Yes, the Palisades figures were superior in sculpt and paint application, but these were the first RE figures widely released here in America. Funny stuff Miss M. :)Toy Talk with Miss M- Episode 2!Nov 19, 2013View
867ArticleVaporman87Wow. That's awesome that you were able to finally complete a game that you started many years ago. That does have to be a fun and special feeling. My brother was always the RPG player in the family. I preferred the action/adventure games with real time fighting and such, as opposed to anything turn based. And, I had a hard time getting into games that used so much text instead of actual dialogue. I really don't know why, since I grew up on games with NO dialogue at all (text based OR spoken), but I think after that first time I heard "B-17 bomber" come through a speaker on the Intellivision... I felt like I wanted to HEAR the characters speak from then on. Still, I occasionally enjoyed watching the games be played through. I had some difficulty with the fact that many of the characters of RPGs were little kids. I wanted my heroes to be giant warriors with massive axes, lol. But, I've grown to appreciate the genre as the years have progressed. Now, Phantasy Star... the only Phantasy Star game I have actually played was the Phantasy Star Online game for the Sega Dreamcast. I actually spent a good deal of time playing that one with my brother in online multiplayer. I don't know if any of the story from that game tied in to the mythos of the original Phantasy Star games, or if it was something like Final Fantasy where every game is a new story, but it was a fun romp. Thanks Miss M.!The Role of Phantasy Star IIINov 22, 2013View
873ArticleVaporman87With regard to the Parade, I've come to appreciate it more through the years. Sure, I watched it growing up... and loved it with all the fervor a child can muster, but now I enjoy it as the start of great things to come. Seeing and appreciating all the work that goes into an event like this is something that comes easier to an adult. And I'm always amazed at how well everything turns out. Some of our newer traditions include a trip down the road to the home of some family friends, where their family gets together and enjoy a great meal and good conversation. This is something I never had growing up. Our Thanksgivings usually just consisted of our immediate family, and that still holds true. Family troubles, death, and other circumstances have left me and my wife and kids virtually alone to celebrate holidays. Going out to these folks' home gives us a taste of those big family get-togethers that you usually only see on t.v. And, probably my newest Thanksgiving tradition, is sharing my thoughts and memories here, with the great people who have become members of RetroDaze. Even though I have never met one of them, I feel like I have. And that means something. Thanksgiving Is Here!Nov 27, 2013View
876ArticleVaporman87Thanks Miss M. Thanksgiving is, and will continue to be, fun today. Looking forward to another meal this evening with friends. Hope yours has been a great one too.Thanksgiving Is Here!Nov 28, 2013View
877ArticleVaporman87First, I really love the McDonalds Barbie play set. Imagine the outcry over such a thing being on the market in this day and age! Next, I was so absolutely sure that those Herself The Elf toys were Strawberry Shortcake toys at first glance. Also, loving the Garfield items. My sister and I had several of the Smurf figurines, but none of the houses and such. We simply crafted our own out of cardboard, scissors, and markers. MOTU!!! I had everything you see there on that page when I was a kid. But, sadly, it was all eventually sold off in yard sales. Later in life, I started picking up those same toys off Ebay. I have a used Attack Trak and Point Dread now. The adventure book I kept from my childhood. Those things were so much fun (hence the addition of the Read-Along Adventures section of the site). I didn't have any Power Devils, but I did own several Stompers (which Tonka produced, I think) which were basically the same concept. It was always a blast running them over the bridges and obstacles that you could purchase. I do have an affinity for old catalogs, but have not invested in any to date. I have perused several online that have been uploaded in PDF form. And you can indeed find the occasional toy that never made it to final production (Trendmasters Doom Island Godzilla line comes to mind). Thanks for this Miss M! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.All I Want for Christmas…Nov 29, 2013View
879ArticleVaporman87I have been at that place you are now. Where you feel like, there is still magic in Christmas, but it's getting harder and harder to find it. But I'm here to tell you to just be patient, because that magic comes rushing back... when you have children of your own. Sure, it's a lot more work, and the perspective is reversed... but watching the smiles on the faces of my kids and just enjoying all the great things about the season with them, it brings all that magic back... in adult form. Just you wait and see. ThatDude's Christmas MemoriesDec 05, 2013View