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Displaying 2491-2500 of 5269 results.
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3131ArticleVaporman87Well, I wasn't as desperate as you when it came to snack foods. We had plenty usually stashed in the pantry in the kitchen. But that doesn't mean I was not guilty of food thievery. Truth be told, I was guilty of it in an "against the law" way! See, once, while my mom and I were in a local department store (the mom and pop kind, not the big retailer kind), I took it upon myself to try my hand at theft. Yup. I snuck a candy bar into my pocket and made it out of there with it. All the way home actually. Then, when I foolishly (and perhaps, over-confidently) munched away on my spoils, my mom asked me where the candy had come from. I wasn't going to lie. I'm guessing I felt so much guilt over having just committed theft, that lying on top of that would just push me to the next logical step of joining a gang and shooting people. So I chose to fess up. I was then spanked, forced to call the sweet little old lady at the department store, and apologize to her through my tears. She graciously forgave me, and life was well again. Needless to say, I NEVER stole anything EVER again. LOL  Nov 23, 2015View
3133ArticleHoju KoolanderI think we all had that moment of stealing from as store, but it's always worse when you know the person. Confessions: The Snack BurglarNov 26, 2015View
3236ArticlemassrealityMy little theft story involved one of those trays with peppermints in them for charity at a Quincy's Steakhouse. It was one of those deals where you just leave a quarter and take a piece of candy. I was around four and just saw the candy sitting there, so I swiped it. When the cashier yelled out, "Hey" I knew I was in trouble, so I took off running to the bathroom. (I would make a horrible thief) Luckily, my parents weren't too hard on me, but they let me know what I did was wrong, made me return the candy, and apologize. Confessions: The Snack BurglarDec 21, 2015View
3107ArticleRick Ace RhodesWelcome to my world pikachulover. I've always had bad penmanship, and I have never learned cursive, not even to sign my name. I simply print. This summer I had to get an ID done at the DMV. When I printed my name, the guy behind the desk asked me why. I told him I never learned cursive, and then explained that they eventually stopped teaching it in school. He was amazed that they no longer teach cursive.Cursive Curse Nov 16, 2015View
3104ArticleVaporman87Don't feel bad. I felt the same way. When my teacher in grade school would execute a perfect letter on the chalkboard (after first using one of those chalkholders that would draw three lines together on the board, equally separated), I would just get fed up that I couldn't replicate her perfection on a piece of paper. Like you, I never used cursive for anything but signing my name, and even then it's been reduced to illegible doctor's signature style. Even so, I think it's a shame that we are slowly doing away with teaching cursive. Something about it seems culturally significant to me, though I'm not sure why.Cursive Curse Nov 16, 2015View
3108ArticlepikachuloverFrom grades 3rd-5th we had to use cursive and I sucked at it in all those grades. By 6th grade the teachers stopped caring and just wanted legible work. I also have an illegible signature. I don't do that cute girly writing. Strangely enough the mention of not teaching cursive in schools came up during a John Cena interview I saw 9 years ago when he was promoting his movie The Marine. And for the record he knows how to write in cursive. Cursive Curse Nov 17, 2015View
3109ArticleRick Ace RhodesSame here. They taught it in elementary school up until sixth grade. After sixth grade they stopped caring.Cursive Curse Nov 17, 2015View
3120ArticleBenjanimecursive writing was one of the many kryptonites of my education, right there with algebra and geography. i can level with you on how tricky it became to learn, some of the letters looked more like scribbles compared to print letters.Cursive Curse Nov 18, 2015View
3123ArticleDirtyD79I too had to learn cursive back in third grade. Ironically I was much better at writing in cursive than I was at printing. I'm not trying to brag. Believe me, my printing was atrocious as a kid and it's only slightly better all these years later. Nowadays the only time I really need to write in cursive is if I'm signing some forms or something. Honestly I'd be surprised if any elementary schools still teach it these days.Cursive Curse Nov 18, 2015View
452VideoBenjanimewell as some might notice, the HUD in starfox 64 looks different from the final, as the ship's energy has a different bar, along with the boost. also notice no bomb counter or score system. also you'll see an early version of kirby air ride, which of course never saw the light of day until the gamecube came along, a few seconds of footage from an ocarina of time beta, and an unreleased earthbound 64 for a brief secondSpaceworld 1996 N64 PromoFeb 27, 2013View